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I sway and grab the table to steady myself. Spots float in front of my eyes and I blink again, harder, faster, swallowing.


“Go!” I beg, my head spinning.


I open my mouth to argue but no sound comes out, and my legs buckle.

“Shit, Liv!”


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I squeeze my eyes shut before dragging them open. White ceiling. I blink slowly, getting my bearings, and roll my head to the side. I look straight into the face of a sleeping Tyler.

He looks peaceful. The frown from earlier isn’t marring his forehead anymore, and his lips aren’t turned down anymore. And he’s gorgeous. Even if there is still pain etched on his face and his fingers are gripping my sheet. He’s so handsome that it breaks my heart a little.

I lift a heavy arm to touch his face, but a big clip on the end of my finger cancels that plan.

I look at it and run my eyes up my arm to the point where an IV is in me.

Shit. Am I in the hospital?

“Liv? You’re awake?” Tyler says gruffly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

“Where am I?” I whisper, my voice scratchy.

He leans onto the bed and rests his hand on my cheek. “You’re in hospital, in a private room. Don’t you remember what happened?”

I shake my head.

Worry fills his eyes and he sighs heavily. “You passed out trying to get me to leave. Good thing I didn’t.”

I passed out?

“You’re dehydrated,” he explains softly. “They put the IV in and pumped you full of water, vitamins, and anti-sickness. You’ve been asleep for hours. It’s one in the morning.”

I swallow. “Can I have some water?”

He stands and pours a cup from the jug on the table. “Here.” He presses a button next to the bed and it sits me up.

He feeds me a few sips of water, and it feels like heaven. It slides down my throat in a cool wash. I nod when I’m done and rest my head back against the pillow.

“The nurse told me to get her when you woke up. I’ll be right back.” He leans over and tenderly presses his lips to my forehead.

I watch him go, still sleepy despite apparently being out for around ten hours. At least my headache is gone and my stomach isn’t hurting anymore.

“Well, hello, honey!” the nurse chirps happily. “Good to see you awake. How are you feeling?”

“Like crap,” I whisper as she grabs my notes and checks the monitor.

“I expect so. I promise they’re worth it in the end!” She gives me a bright grin and checks the IV bag. “Do you feel sick?”

I shake my head. “No. Just thirsty.”

“Little sips every few minutes, okay? Take it easy. If you’d prefer, I can get you some ice chips to suck on.”
