Page 39 of Forget Me Knot

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I’m startled when the twins, Luke and Liam, come rushing at me. They look exactly like Beck and I, so I know one of them has to be my biological father. With slim builds, bright red hair, green eyes, and a million freckles between them, Beck is their spitting image. I guess I am too, but the girl version.

I don’t have time for my natural defensive reaction to take hold before I’m crushed in an embrace between the two. They’re rocking me back and forth, both crying, and then we’re surrounded by another set of arms. Looking up through my tears, I see it’s our last dad, Sebastian, or Daddy Bas. He looks exactly how I remember. Dark blonde hair and dark green eyes that look hazel sometimes. He’s tall with an average build, not super muscular, but not skinny either. His facial expression is hard to describe, but the closest I can get would be pure, unfetteredjoy.

Their scents wash over me in calming waves. Liam’s sweet tea and summer breeze, Luke’s rain and fall leaves, and Sebastian’s coconut ice cream scent.

“Let go of my baby girl so I can hug her. Y’all make better doors than windows, so open the hell up,” Mama barks at them, no power behind the words like an Alpha would have. She’s an Omega too, so hearing her bark at them and seeing them immediately comply is pretty funny.

My humor is quickly forgotten because the second she gets her arms around me, I’m five years old again and sobbing in my mama’s arms. Her vanilla coffee scent overwhelms me with safety and comfort. I feel someone behind me and catch the scent of the ocean, and I know it’s Ben. A smell I had forgotten until now.

We’re joined by a gorgeous woman with dark hair and features, with eyes that remind me of Rook’s.

“What’s the holdup in here, y’all? My babies are home, and I can’t even get a hello when you walk in the door?” she asks. Everything from her expression to her voice screams serenity. If this is who Hades got to grow up with after he left, I’m so grateful.

“Mama,” Rook and D say at the same time, each kissing her on a cheek and hugging her. “There’s someone we want you and Dads to meet,” Rook continues. Her eyebrows furrow for a second before she finally takes in the scene in front of her. Gasping, her hands come up to cover her mouth.

“Blakely? Sweet girl, is that you? Boys, somebody better fill me in right this second or I’m fixin’ to send y’all back to etiquette classes right this minute.CONNOR, SPENCER, AARON,get y’all’s asses in here right now!” she yells. Her voice is so loud I have zero doubt every single person outside can hear her. Rook quickly comes back to my side when I flinch, and he pulls me into his arms.

“Mama, can you please watch the volume? Blake here isn’t used to much noise at all, but especially not loud ones,” he says quietly, still holding me tight to his chest.

His mom’s eyes widen, and she apologizes in a whisper. I’m holding back a giggle at her overcorrection while she continues nodding for a solid minute until the men, I assume she just yelled for, come rushing in. Confusion is clear on their faces until they see Rook and Hades, and then there are wide smiles on all three of them. That is, until they see me, and then the joy morphs into shock faster than I can blink.

“I’m sorry—I feel like I missed somethin’ here,” the tallest one says.

“Dads, this is Blake, but I think you might remember her best as Blakely O’Connor,” Rook says. There’s a giant smile on his face as he watches his parents process the information being thrown at them.

“Or as you mayalsoremember,my Blake,” D cuts in smugly.

Every adult in the room is gaping like a fish before the room explodes in chaos. I’m enveloped in a group hug with all four of Rook and D’s parents as they all ask the guys endless questions aboutwho, where, how, why, whenandwhy didn’t they call?They explain with a shortened version of the story who I am and how I came to be with their pack. And just as everybody settles down, six more people file into the house, wanting to know what all the noise is about. The two women walk in arm in arm and stop dead when they see me wrapped up in a hug with Rook and his mom, Amy.

I’m wrapped inanotherround of hugs and sweet words while I learn from Rook that these are Achilles and the twins’ mothers, Sarah and Lynn. Sarah is a sweet Beta with gorgeous light brown skin and hair and big brown eyes, while Lynn is blonde with pretty brown eyes and light bronze skin.

We make introductions all around and we finally get everybody to sit down with their food at a massive table outside. I recount a somewhat edited version of my story with my pack around me for support. Throughout the story, the table shakes with growls from all the Alphas and I can’t lie and say it didn’t make me nervous. Kas feels it through the bond, so he picks me up, and I tell the rest of my story from his lap. I tell them about how I was kept in a basement and on my eighteenth birthday, finally managed to escape, only running into Kas and Kai by sheer luck and great timing. I tell them about our trip to London and meeting my brothers for the first time. And finally, I tell them how we rushed back here so I could see my parents again.

By the time I finish an hour later, every single person at the table is crying and telling me how happy they are to have me here. Ben gets up the minute I finish my story to make a call and comes back a short while later with a detective in tow.

“Blakel…Blake, this is Detective John Benson. He’s the one that was on your case all those years ago, and the only one who never stopped searching.”

Detective Benson looks like he might cry, so even though I’m nervous, I walk up to him and shake his hand. When I get close enough, I can smell that he’s an Alpha, and I relax further. Unfortunately, because of everything Phil put me through, I seem to be more cautious of Betas than Alphas.

“It’s nice to meet you, sir. Thank you for not giving up the search for me, even after so many years,” I say quietly.

He clears his throat. “Miss Blake, it was my absolute privilege to be able to search for you even after we exhausted every avenue. Your parents, and now your brothers, are very dear friends of mine. I’m so sorry we didn’t find you sooner, Darlin’.”

Shaking my head and smiling, I tell him, “The past is the past. I escaped, and in doing so, found my pack. There’s no point in dwelling on what might have been. I’m just so happy to be home now.”

He opens his mouth to speak when the front door slams open, startling me enough that I jump, biting my cheek.

“Ooooow,” I whine. My pack is on their feet in seconds, surrounding me and peppering me with questions. I roll my eyes. “You guys, the door startled me, and I bit the inside of my cheek. I’mfine. Promise,” I say, smiling at their overprotective tendencies.

Rook opens his mouth to speak when suddenly slender arms come around his middle in a hug from behind. We’re all momentarily frozen in shock when a sultry voice purrs, “I didn’t know my favorite boys were back already. I missed y’all so much.”

That seems to knock him out of his shock, and he pushes her arms off before coming to stand behind me, wrapping me up in his big arms and resting his chin on my head.

“Victoria. Didn’t know you were in town,” he grunts out. His tone is nothing short of curt and it lessens some of the jealousy I can feel building in my chest.

“When Daddy told me y’all were coming home, I decided to cut my trip short to come see you.” Her voice is dripping with sweet southern honey, and it’s grating on every nerve I have.

The other guys are all still surrounding me. Kas is scowling like he’d rather be anywhere else. Achilles and Hades both look angry, and Kai’s face is totally blank.
