Page 44 of Forget Me Knot

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I nod my head, not loving the reminder of what happened, but too grateful to still be with them to let it get to me. “Thank you for doing all this to keep me safe,” I murmur. “I feel you guys have had to uproot your entire lives the last few weeks and I feel like a burden,” I finish in a whisper. The guilt weighs on me and noticeably sours the strawberry in my scent.

He rushes over to lie on the bed with me, pulling me into his arms. “Hey now, none of that. We would uproot our lives a million times over for you, Darlin’. You areeverythingto us, Blake Wilder Beaumont.” I gasp at his use of the pack’s name, and he smiles brightly. “You like it? I think it has a beautiful ring to it, if I do say so myself. Just you wait, gorgeous. The minute you and I bond, we’re gonna be begging you to marry us and make this thing official,” he kisses me, tracing circles around my left ring finger.

I don’t think I’m ready for marriage quite yet, but bonding with my last Alpha? I can absolutely get on board with that.

Not giving myself a second to overthink what I’m about to do, I push on his shoulder until he’s lying flat on his back. Hauling myself up to straddle his hips, I finally realize I’m only wearing one of Kai’s shirts. I see the moment he realizes it too, when my slick soaks his lower abs. Scooting back just a bit, I slide myself backwards over his thickening erection, feeling the slightest swelling at the base I know is his knot.

He groans deeply underneath me, and his voice is hoarse when he speaks. “Blake, Sugar, you should be resting. You had a traumatic day yesterday and…” he trails off, moaning when I rock over his hardness.

“I need somethinggood, Kai. Something happy. Yesterday was terrifying, but it also reminded me we aren’t guaranteed time together, and I want a bond with my happiest Alpha.” Leaning down, I lick a stripe up his chest and neck. “You want to bond with me, don’t you, Alpha?” I whisper in his ear, running my hands up his chest.

He nods frantically, his pupils blown so wide I can barely see a sliver of his normal honey brown color. “You wanna take charge, Blake? Because I’ll be honest, I’ve fantasized about it,” he says huskily.

I’m shocked.

This big, strong Alpha wantsmeto take control? I have no idea what I’m doing!

He must mistake my silence for judgment, because he quickly begins to backtrack.

“I just mean... I didn’t know if being in control was something you’d be interested in given your past and how little control you’ve had in your life. And I know it’s not normal for an Alpha to want to submit. I just… I don’t really fit the ‘Alpha’ stereotype and if that’s not your thing or I’m out of line, just tell me because…”

His rambling is so cute, and the more I think about taking control over Kai, the wetter I get. I still have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ll try anything once for the man underneath me who’s clearly worried I’ll think less of him for his desires. Straightening my shoulders, I sit up and put my hand over his mouth. This makes his eyes widen even further as the cinnamon and vanilla in his pumpkin pie scent get warmer.

“Hush,” I say sternly. Sliding off of him, I lean back against the pillows, hiding my nerves as best as I can.

I look him up and down slowly before I speak. “Stand up and take your boxers off, baby,” I command quietly.

I hope I’m doing this right, and I trust him to tell me if I’m not. The truth it, this is turning me on more than almost anything has before. All the guys have taken complete control in all of our sexual encounters, and the fact that Kai trusts me to take control over his pleasure is insanely arousing.

His scent continues to get more intense as he follows my instructions. I’m dying to have his mouth on me, so as soon as he’s naked, I spread my legs slightly and take a page out of my other Alpha’s dirty talking playbooks. “On the bed,” I command. “I need your mouth on me now, Kai.”




This is the hottest fucking experience of my life, and it’s barely even started.

Hearing Blake command me to eat her delicious cunt nearly pushed me over the edge before I even touched her, and it has me worried about my stamina. When I came clean about my fantasy of her dominating me, she was so quiet I was positive I had just fucked everything up, so I about lost my damned mind when she agreed.

I can tell she’s nervous, but Jesus fuck, I can’t wait to see more of bossy Blake. Diving onto the bed with no hesitation, I pepper kisses up her legs, trying to tease her to see what she’ll do. She doesn’t disappoint.

“I need your tongue on me,now,Kairo.”

She stumbles over the word pussy and it’s too fucking cute. I can’t wait to corrupt this girl beyond recognition. I hope she always has that sweet, shy side to her. Knowing she’ll be able to flip that switch when we’re alone has me thrusting against the mattress, desperate to get some friction on my aching cock.

I grin lasciviously at her. “Yes, ma’am.” My voice is husky, lust clogging my throat.

I don’t make my girl wait any longer. Leaning down, I lap at her like a starving man, licking from her clit to her ass and back again. Her moans are like music to my ears.

“God, yes, Kai. Use your fingers again, just like that first morning,” she whimpers, and it’s like gasoline on a fucking fire.

I growl against her slick center, immediately thrusting two fingers into her tight hole. “You’re so fucking wet, Sugar. And you taste so damned good,” I say. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of burying my face in your gorgeous cunt.”

She whimpers as I drop back down, and I begin to lap at her with renewed intensity, desperate to taste her orgasm on my tongue. She’s panting now, and I can feel her tightening around my fingers.

“Gods,yes, Alpha! I’m going to come. You’re doing such a good job. I need some pressure on my clit, baby. I’m right there,” she whines.
