Page 16 of Never Letting Go

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He gave her a sympathetic glance. “I know you’re worried, but it’s a stick figure drawing. What do you think the authorities are going to do with it? Arrest someone? You know it isn’t that simple.”

She hated admitting defeat. The police couldn’t do anything with the sketch, especially not knowing who had drawn it. They needed more. A lot more.

“Let me talk with the manager,” Dad said. “At least it’ll be on record withthem. We can move forward if anything else comes up. It might be one piece of a puzzle, or it might be nothing.”

Ariana nodded. “At least let me take a picture of it before you hand it over.”

He held it up, and she took a picture with her phone.

There had to be more she could do. But what?


Rita could hardly feel the ground beneath her feet. She hadn’t dared to voice how much she had hoped the baby would be a girl — if her child had been a boy, she wouldn’t have wanted it to get back to him later. Obviously she would love her baby either way, but she’d always dreamed of having a little girl. The manicures, the shopping trips, the ballet lessons… All the things she’d loved as a girl growing up she could now share with her own child.

“How long until your spa appointment?” Grayson asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

She glanced at the time. “Half an hour. The ladies are coming here to meet me. What are you going to do for the next few hours?”

“Emerson wants me to show up at his room for a surprise. I’m not sure whether to worry or look forward to whatever he has up his sleeve.”

“I hope Mateo wasn’t involved in planning it. He doesn’t seem to understand the difference between stupid pranks and good-natured jokes.”

Grayson’s jaw visibly tightened. “I’m not sure I trust myself around him after last night. He crossed the line so far, he can’t even see it anymore.”

“Is it time to replace him with Damon?” Rita tried to keep the hope out of her tone.

He didn’t respond right away. That was promising.

Rita put her hand on his arm. “Grayson?”

“You’re right. I need to drop Mateo from the wedding party. Will you come with me when I tell him?”

“Gladly.” She didn’t try hiding her joy.

He kissed her deeply. “Thank you for being such a support,mi amor.”

“Anytime.” She laced her fingers through his then they headed out the door.

A tall, muscular man stood across the hallway dusting a framed painting. He looked like he should be on the security team, not the cleaning crew. He gave a quick nod to them and continued his work.

She and Grayson headed toward the guest rooms. He stopped at a door and knocked. It had aDo Not Disturbhanger on the handle.


Grayson pounded on the door, not letting up.

“Maybe he isn’t in there,” Rita said. “Could be at the bar getting drunk again.”

“He’s either hungover or avoiding me.” He pounded hard enough that a lesser quality door would crack. “I know you’re in there, Mateo! Open up!”


Grayson hit the door again. “I’m not going to stop until you let me in! You may as well come out!”

“We might have to wait all day,” Rita said over the noise.

“You can go back to the room and get ready for your spa time.” He kissed her cheek. “I’ll deal with my cousin.”
