Page 18 of Never Letting Go

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“Maybe, but he left his inhaler lying on the floor. He doesn’t go anywhere without that.”

“Mateo’s an asthmatic?” she asked.

“He doesn’t have episodes often, but when he does, they’re serious.”

“Then he must have another inhaler on him.”

“Unless he wandered off somewhere drunk as a skunk and didn’t take it with him. If that happened and he had an attack, he wouldn’t be able to start breathing again.”

Rita frowned. She was certainly upset with him over the fake drowning, but she wouldn’t want anything to happen to him. “Maybe we better let Mr. Buff out in the hall know what’s going on.”

“That’s a good idea. Morty can tell the rest of the staff can look for him. And we should still spread the word among the guests.”

“Of course. But if this is another joke, I’m packing him myself and sending him away.”

“You won’t have to, because I’ll have already done it.” Grayson snapped pictures of the messy room.

“What’s that for?”

“Just in case.”

“In case what?” she asked.

He shrugged then motioned for her to lead the way. Once in the hall, he closed the door and made sure it was locked. Then he filled Morty in, who hurried away.

Grayson turned back to Rita. “I’m going to find Mateo and give him his inhaler. Are you okay to return to our room on your own?”

“I’m no damsel in distress.”

“Obviously. I never would have fallen for you if you were,mi reina.”

Her heart fluttered, and she kissed him. “Go find your cousin.”

“And you enjoy the pampering you deserve.” He squeezed her hand before marching toward the nearest elevator.

She watched his every movement, still hardly able to believe she was so lucky to be marrying him and that he was eager to be her baby’s dad. If she had to deal with his idiot cousin on their wedding weekend, it was only a small inconvenience.


Ariana finished her second green smoothie, set it aside, then closed her eyes. The hot tub’s jets relaxed her so much she could fall asleep right there. The water temperature had been lowered to make it safe for Rita’s baby, but even so, it was heavenly.

“Is it supposed to be getting dark already?” Maya asked.

Ari opened one eye and looked out the large picture window next to them. It wasn’t even dinnertime. The sunset should still have been hours away, yet the sky had darkened considerably in the last few minutes.

“No,” Rita said. “But I heard it might rain a little.”

“A little?” Olivia asked. “Those clouds are angry. I think we’re in for a thunderstorm.”

Rita yawned. “At least tonight’s dance is indoors.”

“You aren’t even concerned a little?” Olivia asked.

“It’s just a storm. It’s part of life around here.”

Olivia wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s unsettling, especially in an old building like this.”

“Like this?” Maya looked at her twin like she was crazy. “This hotel is the most luxurious place I’ve ever stayed. I can hardly believe Grayson paid for everything.”
