Page 35 of Never Letting Go

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Grayson breathed heavily. “I need to see him.”

Rita pulled on Grayson’s arms. “No. You’ll never get that image from your mind. Remember him alive and well.”

“I need to see that it’s Mateo with my own eyes.” He turned to her, a tear trailing its way down his cheek. “I have to.”

“Both Ari and her dad saw the body. If they say it’s him, it’s him. We need to—”

“Mateo’s one of my best friends!” Grayson pulled away from her grip then bolted toward the door.

Rita hurried after him. “Then I’m going with you!”

He didn’t slow until he reached Ariana. After asking where the body was, he darted down the hall. Rita didn’t catch up until he skidded to a stop near a potted plant.

Looking down, he released an animalistic howl. He crumbled to his knees and reached for his cousin.

“Don’t touch him!” Rita lunged for him.

Grayson yanked his hands back and threw her a questioning look. Tears shone in his eyes.

Her heart broke for him. She knelt next to him, wrapped her arms around him, rocked gently side to side. “If your fingerprints are on him, the police might think you’re guilty. Everyone heard you chew him out at the pool. It’ll look much worse than it is.”

“I can’t believe he’s dead.” His voice cracked. “Who would do this?”

A lump formed in her throat, more for Grayson than Mateo. She’d barely known the guy, and he hadn’t made the best first impression.

But he still didn’t deservethis. And her fiancé definitely didn’t deserve to have one of his best friends killed the night before their wedding.

Grayson trembled and buried his face against her chest, heaving sobs.

Rita rubbed his back, fighting tears of her own. “We’ll find whoever did this and make sure they pay.”

“Who would murder him?” he repeated.

“Probably the same person who tried to grab me.”

He looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot, the skin around them red and puffy. “You said it was a woman?”

“I’m not sure. The person had long enough nails to dig into my skin. Maybe it was a guy. I really don’t know because it was too dark.”

“We need to clear the scene,” said a gruff male voice.

Rita looked up to see a guy wearing a hotel uniform. “His best friend justdied, and we aren’t disturbing any evidence.”

He frowned. “Fine. Don’t touch anything.”


Grayson turned back to Mateo’s body. “We’ll make sure the person who did this pays. I swear.”

Then he broke down again.

Rita continued rubbing his back. Nothing she said would help, so she kept quiet while he mourned. Her mind raced, trying to figure out who would come after her and also kill Mateo. Her own family had reasons for being against the wedding, but they wouldn’t have anything against Grayson’s cousin.

None of it made sense. Unless there were two crazies in the building.

She shuddered at the thought.

Grayson turned to her, his eyes more swollen than they had been before. “Are you okay? I shouldn’t make you sit here next to a dead body. We should go back to our suite.”
