Page 72 of Never Letting Go

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He gave her an adorable crooked smile then kissed her forehead. “Even if they didn’t, I’m sure we can find some caffeine somewhere. Let’s get dressed.”

She fell back on her pillow and closed her eyes, every muscle aching. “You’re sure they can’t wait?”

“We’re the ones who fought Javier and locked him in a closet. We’re going to be first on their list.”

“He killed Mateo and threatened Rita. Pretty sure they’ll be far more interested in talking to him than us.”

Damon gave her another kiss. “I know you’re tired. So am I. But we need to do this for Rita.”

“If I knew being her maid of honor was so involved, I might not have been so eager.”

He chuckled and helped her out of bed.

Pain pulsed through her ankle.

Damon glanced down at her foot. “We should have someone look at that.”

“It’s only twisted. I’ll be fine.”

“Try walking on it.”

She hesitated, but took a step. It wasn’t as bad as the initial pressure, so she took another step and then another. “See? Like I said, it’s fine.”

He didn’t look convinced, but they got ready. Ariana offered to try using coverup on his bruises, but he wanted the police to see what Javier had done to him.

“At least let me hide them for the wedding.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He threaded his fingers through hers, then they made their way down to the lobby.

It was filled with police questioning guests and staff alike.

Ari hurried to her dad then threw her arms around him. “I was so worried about you!”

“Me? I was worried about all of you. We couldn’t get through the road because of all the fallen trees. The local officers had to call the fire department, but they were busy with other emergencies so we had to wait. What did I miss?”

She filled him in without giving too many details. The police would want to know everything once they got to her, and she didn’t feel like recounting everything multiple times.

Damon came over balancing three paper coffee cups, giving one to Ari and the other to her dad.

She inhaled hers, not caring how hot it was.

“Looks like you got the brunt of it,” Dad said before sipping his drink. “Tell me you got in a few punches too.”

“More than a few. Javier’s definitely hurting. I tried to keep Ariana out of it, but you know her.”

“That I do. My daughter can fight for herself, and I know better than to get in her path.”

She stopped drinking for a moment. “Someone had to save the day.”

Damon choked on his coffee hen chuckled. “Yeah, I’d have to say that’s the truth.”

“Sounds about right.” Dad nodded at one of the uniformed officers. “Let me introduce you two to Detective Singh. I got to know him over the course of the night, and I think you two will feel comfortable giving your statements to him.”

After introductions, Detective Singh and his partner spent the better part of an hour asking questions and taking notes. Ariana went through another two cups of coffee before they were done. Now her heart was racing and her eyelids were heavy.

Rita and Grayson made their way over. Rita threw her arms around Ari. “You two are heroes! We can’t thank you enough.”

Ari squeezed her back. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
