Page 1 of Don't Trust Her

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The smell of bleach nearly knocks me over as I walk through the school’s main door. I let it slam behind me, too busy covering my mouth as I cough. My nose burns and my eyes water. Someone must’ve emptied an entire bottle right here.

“Sorry!” Emily waves at me from behind the counter as she tucks some braided hair behind her ear. “Our new hire accidentally spilled bleach a few minutes ago.”

I clear my throat and blink away the tears. “It isn’t that bad.”

She glances at her computer screen. “Did you forget something, Angelina?”

“Forget something? I’m here to pick up my kids.”

Emily stares at me. “You already got Sophie and Owen.”

The fumes must be getting to her head. Clearly I haven’t picked up my children, or they’d be with me. I haven’t seen them since I dropped them off this morning. “Maybe your new hire accidentally marked them as signed out. I assure you, I didn’t get them.”

“There was no mistake. I checked them out personally.”

My lungs deflate. I can’t find my voice.

This can’t be happening.

“Are you okay, Mrs. London?”

I lean against the counter for support. Manage to force words past a lump in my throat. “Are you saying Owen and Sophie aren’t here?”

Her eyes widen, and she looks at me like she’s worried I might flip my lid.

She isn’t wrong—if she allowed someone to leave with my babies.

“Well?” I stare her down.

Emily swallows. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but you were here twenty minutes ago and took them with you.”

I take a deep breath and struggle to remain calm. “If that happened, don’t you think I’d remember? I’m going to get them myself.”

Emily leaps from her chair. “I should get Jennifer.”

“Do you think the manager knows where my children are? Because if she does, please get her. I’d love nothing more than to speak with her.”

“Stay right there. Don’t move.” She stares at me, obviously waiting for me to agree. Does she think I’m going to set the building on fire?


She gives me a side-eye glance before scurrying around the corner and into the office behind the reception desk. The blinds aren’t properly closed, so I can see her and the manager talking. Emily points in my direction.

Jennifer glances at me then picks up the phone.

What’s going on? Is she calling security on me? Has the receptionist convinced her I’ve lost my mind?

They’re going to lose their license if they sent my children home with the wrong person. How could Emily think I picked them up? The woman has clearly lost her marbles.

Based on the way they keep looking at me, they thinkIhave.

Jennifer starts speaking into the receiver.

This is too much. I can’t stand around waiting another moment. I need to see Owen and Sophie’s classrooms for myself. For all I know, they’re still in there.
