Page 21 of Don't Trust Her

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“Then they can. We have an extended plan. If you want to stay in one in Egypt and Becca wants to go to Cozumel that same week, it’s no big deal.”

“If it doesn’t put anyone out…”

“That’s what I just told you!” She laughs.

After the appetizer and drinks arrive, I show her some of the websites I was looking at. Since Megan’s so well-traveled, she offers pointers about each place I’m considering and lets me know where she has timeshares. It really would save us money not having to pay for a place to stay for a week or two.

She throws out other ideas for places I never would have considered, and soon my mind is swirling with possibilities. I’m not sure what Peter will think of half of them, but we’re going on vacation. We’ll be able to avoid all family drama with our parents and simply focus on each other and our kids.

The rest of the meal goes by entirely too quickly. Time always flies when I’m with Megan. She has to get back to work, and I need to pick up the littles soon. I’m so excited about the idea of traveling that I want to tell them when I pick them up, but I have to talk with Peter first. Then we’ll tell the kids together.

I’m not sure how I’ll keep quiet about this when I’m bursting at the seams to get away from real life. If only we could leave sooner, but it’ll be fun to plan everything. At least it’ll be a good distraction from thinking about all my worries. Neither Mom nor Bryant will be happy about this vacation, but they’ll get over it. They’ll have to, because I won’t give them another option.

They don’t run my life or my family. It isn’t my fault Mom won’t get the extra help with Dad that she needs, and it definitely isn’t my problem that my ex is a controlling narcissist. His days of having any power over me are long gone.

In my car, I excitedly research online the best ideas Megan gave me. I also jot down a bunch of notes, afraid to forget a single detail. Before I know it, I’m almost late to pick up my kids.

By the time I pull into a parking spot at the preschool, I feel like I could take on the world. Nobody is getting in my way. People can try, but they won’t succeed. If they want my help, they need to be respectful. Period. And nobody has a say in where or when my family goes on vacation. That’s only up to Peter, the kids, and me.

I love the feeling of freedom. Every time I think I’ve come as far as possible, I end up discovering another layer. And this time, I have my best friend to thank.

As I’m setting the alarm on the Escalade, a guy calls my name from behind me. I whip around to see someone close to my parents’ age. Pretty sure I’ve never seen him before.


“You’re Angelina?”

I hesitate. He seems harmless enough, but I don’t know what he wants.

“Chuck’s daughter, right?”

He knows my dad.

“Yeah,” I say. “How’d you know?”

“I used to work with him. He had your pictures in his office. You’ve always looked so much like him. I’m Phil, by the way.” He extends his hand, and we shake.

“Nice to meet you. What brings you to the preschool?”

“I’m here to pick up my granddaughter Maisie. Her parents are out of town, and I get to take care of her.”

“Oh, Maisie. She’s in my son’s class, and he always has good things to say about her.”

“I’m so glad to hear it. It’s nice that my granddaughter and Chuck’s grandson are in school together. Tell your dad I said hi, will you? I haven’t seen him in years.”

Sadness washes through me. “I’ll certainly tell him, but he has dementia so he likely won’t remember you. He doesn’t even know me.”

Phil’s smile fades. “I’m so sorry to hear that. He used to be sharp as a tack.”

“That he did.” I smile wistfully, remembering how I could never get away with anything growing up.

“Well, I better go get Ava. It was a pleasure to meet you, Angelina.”


He heads in, but I stop to read a new text. Megan listed out close to a dozen new ideas for vacation spots, along with links to each place.

I text her back.
