Page 23 of Don't Trust Her

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We’ll find them, send the kidnapper to jail, and I’ll spend the entire night hugging my children. I may never let them go again.

This is worse than any nightmare I’ve ever had. Sure, like any good parent I’ve feared for my kids’ safety. Imagined the worst. But it never felt like this. The dread is unbearable. My blood runs through my body like ice. I’m not sure I’ll ever warm up again.

Jennifer spins her computer monitor around. “Right here.”

She presses play on a crisp black-and-white image of the front desk. A mom I recognize walks out with her two sons. A moment later, Emily looks up and speaks with someone.

My heart sinks, and somehow my temperature drops even lower.

Somebody who looks just like me walks up to the reception desk, laughing with Emily. The woman could be me. If I didn’t know better, I might think she was me. She has my face. Her hair is the same length, and she has my same build.

That isn’t the worst part.

She’s wearing my purple flowered tank top.

I struggle to breathe.

How is this possible? It can’t be happening. It isn’t real. They’ve faked this video somehow. People can do all kinds of things with technology these days.

I want to ask how they managed this farce, but I have to see the video through.

Emily calls the teachers, who send the assistants to bring out my children.

When they do, the woman who looks just like me leaves with my kids. They don’t even flinch when they see her. Both of them hug her and chat excitedly as they leave the view of the camera.

“See?” Jennifer says. “You left with Owen and Sophie.”

“That wasn’t me! How did you do that?”

She arches an eyebrow. “Do what?”

“Doctor that video to make it look like me!”

“Please calm down, Mrs. London.”

Now I’m Mrs. London.

“How. Did. You. Do. That?”

“We didn’t do anything. I assure you.”

I struggle to breathe normally.

“Perhaps you should consider some counseling. I know you’re under a great deal of stress with your parents.”

She’s using that against me?

If only I could use Megan as a witness, but she’d already left the restaurant when this happened. I was busy looking up vacation ideas in my car, so nobody saw me. It’s my word against this video.

“This isn’t the last you’re going to hear from me about this. I’m going straight to the police!” I grab my purse and leap to my feet. “Email me a copy of that video, and whatever you do, don’t delete it. I want the authorities to analyze it.”

“I can email it to you.” Her tone is condescending, like she’s speaking to an imbecile. “And we keep all of our footage for ninety days.”

“Good.” I hurry from the building without making eye contact with anyone. But everyone is staring at me. I can feel their gazes burning into my back.

When I get to the car, I slink into the leather seat and allow the tears to run free.

What is going on? Did someone at the preschool doctor that video, or is there someone with my face and tank top impersonating me?
