Page 26 of Don't Trust Her

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“I’m not. I remember asking if you were cold, but you insisted you were fine.”

Either my husband is in on this, too, or my lookalike is brazen enough to walk right up to him in my shirt.

I need to get to the bottom of this.


Peter wraps his arms around me, and I stiffen at his touch. If he notices, he doesn’t react. “You start calling your friends and family, and I’ll call mine. Maybe we’ll figure out where the kids are before we get home. I’m sure once David and Claire hear about this, they’ll drop everything to start making calls, too.”

He’s right, of course. His brother would do anything for us, and they both adore our kids. Their children and our littles are about the same age, and we get them together as often as possible. David and I took them to play at the park just last week.

Peter’s story about me having worn the tank top just the other day feels like a betrayal. I can’t even look at him.

I wait until his Mercedes disappears from sight, and I start my car. Even seeing his taillights on the way home is too much. In fact, I’m tempted to go somewhere else to make my calls. That sounds like the ideal plan, except we really would be better off—for the kids’ sake—working together.

But then we have things to discuss. How can he doubt me? Especially after everything we’ve been through together. Heknowsmy history. My life has never been easy. Not as a child, always playing second fiddle to my brother who has probably been a sociopath since conception. And definitely not in my earlier adulthood, putting up with a narcissistic husband who blamed me for all his problems and never took accountability for any of his many shortcomings. I thought I was doing the right thing for Nadia, keeping our family intact.

I’ve come so far, but now it’s like I’m back in the same hole I’ve always been in. How can Peter believe that doctored video over me? What I need is to find out who is going to such lengths to hurt me, and why. Going to the nail salon and cupcake place is one thing, butthisis on its own playing field.

It’s criminal. This person abducted my kids and somehow made me look like the crazy one. The police don’t even believe Sophie and Owen are missing!

If anything happens to them, I’m suing that police department. I’m going to make such a spectacle. They’ll regret not helping those innocent babies. But nobody will regret their loss more than me. I’m the one who carried them in my womb and have spent every breath since their births doing everything for them. Anything I do is always for my four children.

Whoever has them will pay. But first, the most important thing is to find them.

I pull into our driveway and go inside.

First thing Peter says when I step through the door is, “Who have you called?”

“Nobody yet.”


“I wasdriving, and I could barely do that I’m shaking so badly.”

“We’ll find them.” He puts an arm around me, and I try not to react.

“That wasn’t me in the video.”


I can’t tell whether he believes me. Not that it matters right now.

Owen and Sophie are all that matter. Finding them safe and sound.

Peter guides me to the couch. “I called my parents and two neighbors. Nobody’s seen them.”

“Because a kidnapper wouldn’t drop them off with someone we trust.” I don’t wait for him to react before I pull out my phone and call Megan. If I’m supposed to contact people who have my back, she’s at the top of the list. Even higher than Peter at this point.

She hasn’t seen them or anyone pretending to be me, but says she’s leaving work right away to come over here and help us with the search.

Peter turns to me. “I just texted with both Dakota and Nadia, and neither of them have seen the kids.”

“You told the girls?” I exclaim. “They won’t be able to think about anything else! How are they going to get through the rest of their school day?”

“I didn’t say anything was wrong.” He throws me a look like I need to give him some credit. “I was casual, and they’re both fine.”

We can only hope.
