Page 29 of Don't Trust Her

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Megan tousles her hair. “It’s just a saying.” She turns to me. “Go on up. I’ll keep an eye on them so you two can wind down.”

“Are you sure?”

“Go.” She gives me a knowing look. “You two have had a rough day.”

I don’t argue.

Upstairs, Peter is on his phone, explaining where we found the kids.

We probably have a lot of calls like that to make after calling nearly everyone we know to ask where our kids are. I’m sure it makes us look like terrible parents. What kind of a parent loses track of their preschool-aged children?

Not that it’s our fault, and I don’t care to explain it to anyone.

I just want answers. Somebody is impersonating me, and if the video at the preschool wasn’t messed with, then she somehow looks just like me.

Why on earth would my doppelgänger find me and try to ruin my life? I could probably drive myself crazy trying to figure it out.

But that won’t stop me from trying. Someone has answers, and I intend to find them.

My shirt is soaked with sweat, so I toss it in the hamper.

The purple flowered tank top is crumpled on top of my other clothes.

I’m surprised, but at the same time, not surprised. It proves that I’m not losing my mind. Not that I could show that to the police and make them see the truth. They would think I wore it and put it there.

“Are you okay?” Peter’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I point to the shirt. “I hung that up last week.”

He blinks a few times. “Are you saying someone broke into our house to wear your tank top?”

“And then she returned to put it in the hamper.”

His mouth opens, but no words come out.

“Do you believe me?” I ask.

“How would they have gotten in? Past our security system?”

I throw my hands in the air. “How did she manage to pick up the kids and drop them off with my mother, and everyone was certain it was me?”

“Are you sure it wasn’t?”

His words are like a slap across my face. “Excuse me?”

“I saw that video. It was you.”

My face flames. Anger pulsates through my veins. “Why don’t you believe me?”

“I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“What reaction did you expect?” I snap. “Be my guest. Go ask Megan.”

He looks between me and the doorway.

“If you can’t believe your own wife, then go get the proof you need. I’m not crazy!”

“I never said you were.”
