Page 37 of Don't Trust Her

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“Like I said, I know it’s an odd request. But someone has been impersonating me, and given that you also think she was me, I really need to see her with my own eyes.”

The girl blinks a few times. “I guess?”

“You do have cameras, don’t you?” I look around.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure how long the feed is saved. I’ve never dealt with that before. I just sell desserts.”

“Do you have access to it?”

“I can get it, but I can’t promise anything. And it’ll have to be later, when my coworkers come in. Maybe stop by around three or so? I can’t leave the register until someone else is here, and even then I can only try to look when there’s a lull. Do you know what day your friend saw, um, you?”

I think about my conversation with Sylvia, and give the girl the date. “But it could be either a day before or after.”

“I’ll do my best. Sorry you’re dealing with that. It sounds frustrating.”

“You have no idea.” I pull out two twenties and slide them across the counter. “This is for your trouble.”

Her eyes light up. “Wow, thanks.”

“No, thankyou.” I hurry out of the shop and back to my car.

Even if she doesn’t find anything, just knowing she saw my lookalike is more confirmation that I’m right. It also gives more validity to Sylvia’s story, even though at this point I don’t have any doubts. I’ve already seen the woman on the preschool video. Hopefully another video will give me a better picture of what kind of person my doppelgänger is.

My stomach twists as I think about the next stop I have to make.

Time to go to the nail salon and ask my ex-husband’s girlfriend for help. That’s how desperate I am.


The neon sign for Runway Nails blinks with the N unlit, so it reads Runway ails. I chuckle at the error, but even the brief humorous distraction does nothing for my stomach. If I do lose my breakfast, it will be here while having to explain my situation to Bryant’s love interest.

I should turn around. This was a bad idea. No good can possibly come from this.

Just as I start to turn my engine back on, Trixie’s face appears in the window.

Crap. Now she’s seen me. I can’t turn around, because she’ll think I’m up to something. She’ll accuse me of spying on her and send Bryant to come yell at me. But thanks to the magic of divorce, I don’t have to put up with his abuse anymore. I can hang up the phone or slam a door. She’s the one living with him, so she has to deal with him now. Why she stays, I don’t know. Maybe she’s still under his spell and hasn’t seen his true colors yet.

Trixie hasn’t moved from her spot at the window. At this point, it’s definitely going to be weird if I leave.

I need to do this. Even if I don’t find out much, I should be able to gauge whether she thinks she saw me here recently. As with the girl at the cake shop, that’s useful information.

Taking a deep breath, I grab my keys and get out of the car.

She keeps her post by the window.

My stomach roils as I set my car’s alarm and walk toward the door with my head held high. Part of me wouldn’t regret puking all over her floor. But the rest of me knows that isn’t nice. And besides, Nadia has to live with her some of the time, so whatever happens could return back to my daughter.

An overhead bell dings loudly as I step inside. I’m struck with a strong whiff of nail products. It’s almost enough to make my eyes water. How can anyone work in here all day? I’m already eager to leave.

Trixie doesn’t budge, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and her brows furrowed as she looks me over.

I never wanted to come in here, and now I wish I hadn’t. I can’t think of anything to say all of a sudden. Everything I asked at the cake place falls flat in my mind before hitting my tongue. Any question about a doppelgänger will either make me look crazy or give Bryant fuel for another custody hearing. I’m going to have to play this especially carefully.

“Back again?” Trixie’s tone is stoic, not giving any indication of how she feels.

Not that I’m surprised Chelsea’s story about seeing me here is valid. Not after everything else.

Did Trixie have a good interaction with my lookalike? What did they talk about?
