Page 42 of Don't Trust Her

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She takes a deep breath. “Come on in. Did you forget something?”

“No. I just wanted to spend some more time together. Being with Dad the other day made me realize how important it is that I come by more often.”

Mom smiles sadly. “That’s good news, but it also sounds like you expect him to drop dead at any moment.”

“I don’t want to waste any more time. That’s all.”

She closes the door. “I just made some iced tea. Let’s have some and chat. I imagine Dad will wake from his nap soon, and then you can spend more time with him.”

We each pour ourselves a glass and sit on the back porch. The grass is overgrown and lush from recent rain, and I spot two brown bunnies munching on the blades. They both glance our way but don’t seem concerned by our presence. I accidentally scrape my chair on the platform, and a third wild rabbit leaps across the yard, darting under a small gap in the fence.

If only I could escape my problems that easily.

“Are you feeling okay?” Mom asks.

“That’s a loaded question. What makes you ask?”

“I’ve seen you more in the last two days than in the last month.”

That’s because I have a body double, but I don’t need her thinking I’m losing my grip on reality, so I don’t say anything.

“Tell me what’s on your mind.” She gives me a sympathetic glance.

And just like that, I’m back to the girl I used to be whose mom was trying her best to take care of me in an impossibly difficult family. My brother didn’t even live with us, but he took up most of their attention. I resented it, but as much as I did, I still couldn’t deny that she tried. She was torn between her two children, and I didn’t have nearly so many problems as Michael.

She rests her hand on mine. “You can tell me anything. I won’t judge you.”

But will she feel the same way after she hears about my doppelgänger that nobody else seems to believe in?

My phone rings, saving me from having to explain any of that for now. The screen shows it’s the preschool. My heart pounds so hard, it seems to beat in my ears.

A call from them means something is wrong.


Ibreak every speed limit between my parents’ house and the preschool. It’s a good thing no police see me, because I wouldn’t stop for them.

Not after the call I just got.

Emily from the front desk told me I had been there but couldn’t come up with the password.

Because it wasn’t me. And she was speaking to me on the phone, so now she has to believe me. This is the proof I need to make them all see the truth.

They won’t be able to deny anything when I’m finally there, face to face with my lookalike. Then she can explain to everyone what she’s been doing and why. I want to hear the why.

My tires squeal as I turn into the parking lot, and they squeal again as I park, taking up three spots. I don’t even care.

I fly out of the car, not even bothering to close the door.

When I get to the reception desk, Emily is alone.

My clone is gone.

“Where is she?” I demand.

“You mean you?” Emily taps on the counter. She almost looks bored.

I could wring her neck. But I won’t. I’m not violent.
