Page 47 of Don't Trust Her

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That means my next login attempthasto be right. If it isn’t, I’ll have to call the company. That’s time I don’t want to waste when I need in now.

My pulse thrums in my ears as I try to figure out how I’m going to find the right password. I’ve tried all the ones I used back when I set up the account—years ago I didn’t understand the importance of having different passwords for every site.

I open a new tab and go to my email. No amount of searching brings up anything to do with this genetic testing site.

That isn’t possible! Ithasto be there somewhere.

But it isn’t. No search term brings anything up.

I pace the room, trying to figure out what to do. Trying to login again is out of the question. Not until I’m sure I have the right password and email address.

That’s it! I’ve been using the wrong email address this whole time. That’s why I can’t find any emails, and it also explains why I can’t get into my account. When I signed up for the testing, I was using an old email address that I had to quit using because Bryant was harassing me. I tried blocking him, but he would just make a new account and send me more messages.

I hope my old email account hasn’t been deactivated. It’s been years since I logged out for the last time. My hands shake as I attempt to login. At least I should be given multiple tries if I don’t get the password right.

The screen loads. It feels like it takes an hour.

A long list of unread emails fills my screen.

I fall back on my bed, unable to believe my eyes. Now that I’m in, I should be able to find everything I need to get into the genetic testing site.

It takes me a minute to muster the courage to sit up and look at the emails. I expect most of them to be from Bryant, but it looks like he hasn’t emailed me in a long time. A lot of the subject lines are sales pitches.

But those aren’t the only kind of messages that have been piling up.

There are multiple alerts notifying me of found relatives. Mostly distant cousins, but it gives me hope.

Perhaps I can find my birth parents or my sister. Unless they don’t want to be found.

But there’s only one way to find out, and I’m not going to scroll through years of missed emails. A quick search yields my login information.

Less than a minute later, I’m in.

It worked! I’m not locked out of the site.

Everything is different, not that I should be surprised. It’s a fresher look and much easier to navigate than in its rudimentary days. I make my way over to my long list of notifications and scan the top ones.

No parents or siblings.

I use the mouse to scroll down to older alerts.

Then I spy one that makes my heart skip a beat.

I stare, unable to breathe. Hardly able to believe what I’m seeing. But no matter how many times I read it over and over, it still says the same thing:

“We’ve found a genetic relative! Add your identical twin.”

Identical twin?

Not only do I have a twin, but she’s identical. We look exactly the same.

Why didn’t my birth mom tell my parents about my sister? She must’ve been afraid my mom and dad wouldn’t want both of us, or that they wouldn’t want to separate sisters. The adoption agency might’ve told her that twins were harder to adopt—that sounds like a familiar statistic. Did my mom actually know about both babies but, because of my dad or any other of a dozen reasons, decided only to adopt one? No. My birth mother had to have kept the double pregnancy a secret because when I talked to my mom, she seemed to genuinely believe I was the only baby.

But I wasn’t.

I have a twin. An evil twin.

And she’s trying to destroy my life.
