Page 53 of Don't Trust Her

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“I’m fine, seriously.”

He gives me a look like he’s not sure whether to believe me, but he squeezes my shoulder as he gets up then grabs his laptop bag. “I’m glad we accidentally ran into each other. We don’t get much time alone these days.”

“Maybe we could accidentally run into each other at lunch sometime?” There goes my mouth again, but this time I’m glad it’s one step ahead of me.

A slow smile spreads across Peter’s face. “I’d love that. I won’t have time today, but what about tomorrow around noon? At that steak place next to the hospital?”

“It’s a date.”

“Wear something new.”

“You’d better believe I will.” And it won’t be from that ridiculous boutique, either.

He gives me a lingering look before heading out the door.

I release a breath I totally knew I was holding.

Maybe I can actually pull off this charade. One thing is for sure.

I’m going on a shopping spree.


Itug on the silk dress as I sit at the table overlooking a view of a lake. Several boats are out, but there are no swimmers as it’s getting too chilly for that now.

My foot taps on its own. Peter isn’t here yet, but they seated me immediately because he’d already reserved this table for us. There are so many things that could go wrong. If he mentioned this date to Angelina, she could be headed here. Best case, Peter simply doesn’t show up after figuring out he was taken for a ride. Worst case, they have me arrested for theft and fraud. But to be fair, hedidgive me the card and tell me to buy myself something nice.

I glance down at the short, snug dress clinging to my every curve. There’s no way I could’ve afforded this thing on my own. The only other way I could’ve gotten it without Peter’s credit card would have been if I’d stolen it. And this isn’t the only thing I got myself. I also picked out some fun new tops and a couple boring ones that I’ll need to wear while pretending to be my yawn fest of a sister to win over her equally dull friends.

When Peter arrives, he takes my breath away. This time, he has a dress coat over his white shirt and tie. Instead of being clean shaven, he has a day-old beard and it’shot. I don’t know how Angelina keeps her hands off him. Maybe she doesn’t.

He slides into his seat next to me and squeezes my thigh—this time I’m ready for it. No choking today. “Sorry I’m late. I needed to take care of an emergency before leaving.”

I give his leg a squeeze. “No problem. How could I complain about you saving a life? Lunch can wait.”

Peter kisses my cheek. “Have you ordered already?”

“No, I wanted to wait for you.”

“You know you didn’t have to.”

“Like I said, Iwantedto.”

The server, whose name tag reads Mandy, arrives and greets us both by name. She asks if we want our usual meals but keeps her attention on Peter the entire time she is speaking. Not that I blame her, but I bet it would annoy the living daylights out of Angelina. That makes a smile tug on my mouth.

Peter says he’ll take his normal meal but with a side of roasted potatoes instead of mashed, and Mandy starts to walk away.

I clear my throat loudly. “I’d like to try something different this time.”

She turns and glances my way, her lip curling up as if annoyed but trying to hide it. “Of course. What would you like?”

My pulse races as I give the menu a quick once over. If I accidentally order Angie’s usual, I’m toast. No matter what I ask for is a risk, but I bet she wouldn’t pick the most expensive item they offer. I can’t pronounce it, so I point to it. “I’d like to try this.”

Mandy makes note of it. “You really are stepping out of your comfort zone, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been feeling risky lately. What can I say?” I turn to Peter and wink.

He winks back and rests his hand on my bare knee.
