Page 63 of Don't Trust Her

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“If you want me to consider your plan, you’d better start talking. I’d just as soon kill you both to get Angelina’s life insurance money.”

“You hardly seem the type to kill one person, much less two.”

His eyes narrow. “Then you underestimate me.”

I shrug. “Maybe. Which one do you want to know about?”

He gives me a double-take. “You’ve killed more than once?”

“I grew up in a very different environment than Angelina. For twins, we sure got polar opposite families.”

“Her life wasn’t so perfect, but you’d know that if you’d done as much homework on her as you make it sound like.”

“Trust me, her problems and mine aren’t even on the same playing field. In her case, maybe Daddy didn’t love her enough, but I had to deal with my mom’s boyfriends, who loved me too much. From a young age, I needed to do a lot of terrible things just to survive—and I have made men pay for traumatizing me. You don’t want to underestimateme.”

“Those are the people you killed? The ones who hurt you?”

“They did a lot more than just hurt me.”

“I’m sorry. Nobody deserves that.” He seems genuine.

Not that it matters. I straighten my back. “The only thing I care about is settling the score. It isn’t fair that my twin got a much better life than me. I want what I deserve, what should’ve been mine to begin with, and I need to know if we’re working together or against each other in regard to your cheating wife.”

His glance darts around the room, and he rubs the side of the gun. “You really know what you’re doing? If we do this, nobody will ever find the body?”

“I guarantee it.”

“And you’ll walk away from me and the kids? You won’t try to get more from me?”

“Give me enough to start a new life, and you’ll never hear from me again. Think of it as a payment to get rid of your problem. I promise I’m a helluva lot cheaper than a hit man. Go ahead and look into it. I’ll wait. I have nowhere else to go.” I sprawl out across the bed, letting him know I’ll continue to stay here on his dime as long as I need to.

“What exactly do you want? We need to talk details now, not later.”

I sit upright. “Are we going to work together?”

“It looks like we need each other to get what we both want.”

“Are you sure you want her dead?” I stare him down. “Once we agree to work together, there’s no turning back. I don’t want you deciding down the road that you can’t do this because she’s the mother of your children or some other BS like that. That isn’t going to fly. As soon as we’re in, we’re in. I want to make Angelina pay for everything I’ve been through, and nobody is getting in the way of that.”

He doesn’t respond.

My heart skips a beat. If he’s having second thoughts, I’m not in an ideal situation. The man has a gun, and he’s closer to the door than me. But it’s clear he isn’t as familiar with the weapon as other people I’ve dealt with. I can get away if things go south, though it might get a little messy.

Peter looks me directly in the eyes. “I’m in. Let’s figure this out now. The sooner we get this over with, the better.”

Relief floods me, and I can’t help grinning like a fool. “Perfect! Let’s start with logistics.”

He nods, an eagerness in his expression.

We’re actually going to do this. This is better than I’d hoped for when I came to town.

Angelina’s own husband is going to help me accomplish this. And when we’re done, I’m never going to have to worry about money again.



