Page 66 of Don't Trust Her

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But David is right. I don’t have another choice. She needs to be stopped, and I’m the only one who can do that. It’smylife at stake. I’m going to have to do this whether I want to or not. Otherwise, she’s going to think she can keep pushing me around.

“What are you going to say to her?” David’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“Whatever it takes to get her to leave.” My stomach churns acid at the thought of this confrontation. “I know nothing about this woman. How can I send her running if I don’t know what will get through to her?”

“Who cares about her weaknesses? Stand up for yourself and your family. Send her running because she’s too intimidated to continue with her charade.”

He’s right. I have to focus on that.

It’s my only choice. I have to fight for what’s mine. I’ve been more confrontational since all of this began, proving I have what it takes to put my sister in her place.

After she flees from town, it’ll all be worth it. Everything will be back to the way it should be.


Owen and Sophie are finally asleep, and the older two are at a school football game that’s supposed to have a party afterward. Peter has his shift at the ER tonight and isn’t likely to be home for hours.

That means I have the house to myself, and I need to make the most of the time. So far, I haven’t been able to find anything online about my twin. She was able to find me somehow, so I should be able to do the same. Though it’s as if she doesn’t want to be found.

Maybe she doesn’t.

This isn’t easy. I don’t have a name or location. What little I know about her doesn’t help with my amateur sleuthing. We have the same birthday and face, plus probably the same height and weight.

It isn’t much to go on. I try some reverse searching using my picture, hoping to hit on something of hers, but don’t come up with anything.

I might need to hire a private investigator, but I suspect I don’t have time for that. She’s on the prowl. But she’s also here in town. There’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to run into her if I try hard enough. The woman can’t possibly watch me every moment.

With any luck, David and I can draw her out.

But I don’t want to wait that long. I want to confront her now. My, how far I’ve come in the last few hours since talking with my brother-in-law.

I toss my phone on the bed and pace my bedroom. Why couldn’t my sister have reached out to me instead of trying to destroy me? What is it about her that makes her want to ruin my life instead of getting to know me? We could’ve become friends, the best of friends. That’s the beauty of sisterhood. When I was a girl, I used to daydream about having a sibling at home who I could be close to. Instead, I had a murderous brother locked away since before I was born.

Not that it matters. Both of my siblings are unhinged, and I have to deal with one of them. First, I need to give my brain a break. If I keep thinking about this, I’m going to go as crazy as the two of them.

I head downstairs but freeze as soon as I step out of my room. My skin crawls, giving me the distinct feeling something isn’t right.

Breath hitching, I creep to the other bedrooms. Owen and Sophie are still sound asleep. Nadia and Dakota’s rooms are empty.

My nerves are fried. That has to be why I feel like something is off. After I send my lookalike running, all will be right in the world again. I just have to wait until that happens. Hopefully tomorrow. David is going to take some time off work in the morning, and we’re going to meet for coffee. We’ll sit close enough to give people something to question. Word will spread, and my evil twin will hear about it.

David will be ready for her. He’ll text me a secret code word, then I’ll jump into action.

My heart races at the thought. I’m equally excited and terrified about meeting her. If I’d had my way, our meeting would have been a sweet reunion.

She made sure that will never happen.

I head back to the stairs. I’m starving now. During dinner with the littles, I could barely stuff down two bites of food. Now I’m paying for it, and I’m quickly getting lightheaded. Skipping meals isn’t something I can afford.

After taking a few steps down, a noise sounds behind me.

I whip around, breath caught in my throat.

Nobody’s there. I don’t know what I expected. A knife-bearing killer? My twin?

It’s all ridiculous. Peter and I changed the locks and the security codes. The one to the garage door is different from the one for the security system. Nobody outside the family can get in. If anybody else managed to get inside, the alarm would wail and alert the police.

I’m fine. My kids are fine.
