Page 70 of Don't Trust Her

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I definitely stiffen now.

David lifts a brow, silently telling me again to relax.

“I’m not sure I can keep going with this ploy.”

He glances to the left without moving his head. “See that couple over to the left?”


“They’re whispering about us. Claire always complains about her, says she’s the biggest gossip in town. We just need to convince her, and the rumors will fly. Your twin will hear about this for sure. If she’s as eager to get in the middle of your life as she seems to be, she won’t be able to turn this down. She’ll come to me. Then that’ll be the end of her messing with you.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’ll play it by ear.”

My heart skips a beat. “You need a plan, even if you don’t end up going by it.”

He shrugs then wraps some of my hair around his finger.

I hate this. I feel like I’m really cheating on Peter. My husband is the only man I ever want to be this close to. All the more reason to get rid of my sister.

David glances to the side again. “I think they’re leaving. I wonder who she’ll blab to first.”

The thought of it makes my stomach lurch.

He rests a hand on my knee.

I leap up from my chair, nearly spilling my coffee in the process.

David jumps up, too. Then he smacks the table really hard.

Everyone is staring at us.

“What are you—”

“Got the spider!” He grins widely. “It won’t bother you again. Don’t worry.”

My mouth gapes. I can’t find words.

He leans in close, brushing his cheek against mine. “Play it cool. That’s the only way this will work.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

“I’m going to wash the spider guts off my hands. I’d do anything to keep you safe.”

“Wow, I can’t believe you smashed that spider with your bare hands!”

I sit. He retreats to the bathroom after wiping the table clean with a napkin.

People are still staring.

My face flushes, and I resist the urge to tell them all this isn’t what it looks like.

David returns then wraps an arm around me. “At least nobody will forget that.”

“The entire town is going to think we’re both cheaters before the end of the day.”

“Good. I’ll be ready for your lookalike when she approaches me. She won’t be able to hold back now.”
