Page 69 of A Shade of Evil

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“Yes, I’m coming to stay with the hottest guy on the planet, otherwise known as Kyle. God the things that man can do with his, um, cock emoji.”

It makes me laugh.

“You’re such an idiot. So, Kyle, hey.”

“Don’t try to shift this onto me. What’s with the big bad mafia don? Please tell me he’s kinky. I want all the details. What did he make you do, and are you able to walk?”

“Well…” I take a deep breath and I can almost hear her panting on the other end of the line.

“I’ll tell you when I see you. I have a meeting to attend regarding the campaign I’m in charge of.”

“Wait, what?”She says in disbelief.

“Wow, they get their money’s worth from their interns in New York. I thought you’d be making the coffee. How come?”

“Shade came.”

I giggle as she groans.“Spare me the details of your love life. Actually, no, I want to know everything but preferably over a glass of champagne after I’ve exhausted his best friend.”

“Best friend?” I giggle at the idea of Shade having any actual friends. I can’t quite imagine him having a beer with the guys in a bar on a night out.

Reluctantly, I groan and say with a sigh. “I really must go. I’m fine, so you can quit worrying and we will fully catch up on the weekend.”

“I’ll hold you to that. Take care, honey. Love you.”

Alice comes in as I cut the call and hands me the folder with a rueful smile.

“Good luck, Allegra. Have a good evening.”

“You too.” She makes to leave, and I say with curiosity, “What are your plans?”

She shrugs. “To walk home, grab a takeout and watch a movie before bed. It doesn’t get much better than that.”

“Alone?” I know I’m prying into her private life, but I’m curious.

She shrugs. “Until I meet the billionaire the books I read promise me. Yes. Alone.”

She grins and heads out of the door, and I understand exactly how she feels. That was my life a few days ago, but the man I read about never came for me. Luckily for me, he sent someone way more exciting, and I definitely wouldn’t change a thing.



It’s been an interesting day. As soon as we left Killian’s penthouse, we came back to my office for an update. Kyle told me the plan Saint had formulated regarding Jefferson, and we discussed what to do about Freddie Connor.

As Kyle went to arrange it, I caught up with work regarding the Vieri empire.

Now I’m waiting in my office for my campaign manager and it’s the one thing in my day I’m actually looking forward to.

Kyle shows her in at six-thirty on the dot and I lean forward and feast my eyes on the beauty who has been in my thoughts all day.

That outfit almost makes me salivate because business chic suits her.

As she walks, the skirt swings and the splits in the side offer me a tantalizing glimpse of her long legs and those heels are so sexy it makes me groan. Then there’s knowing what lies underneath to fan the flames even higher and seeing her clutching the file with a sexy smile on her face makes me want to ditch business for a more personal kind.

“Miss. Powell.” I arch my brow.

“Have you got something for me?”
