Page 142 of All For You Duet

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“You have to work.”

“I have to see you, so I’ll make it work.”

“Redix.” I search his eyes. “We’re okay now. We love each other, and we’ll make this work.”

He nods, seeking my kiss again for reassurance and I want to promise infinity to him again. That everything is fixed and we’re healed. But then I hear a distinct ring from the phone in my purse on his table, and I know…

That’s Penny.

That’s not good news.


“He’s doing what?”

This is crazy.

I’m talking to Penny on my phone, throwing clothes in my suitcase, and rushing back home because she says Jameson’s about to go rogue to bust these cases open.

“He found out the liquor store is owned by Gentry Evans too.” Penny sounds equally pissed. “The store where the Parrot T-shirt dude was spotted. So now he’s gonna surveil Gentry’s yacht.” She also sounds worried. Me too. “That’s The Pelican, the rental company, the nail salon, and the liquor store. It’s all a trail to Gentry, and Jameson’s gonna blaze a path to catch him on it.”

“Yeah, well, with how he goes in like a blowtorch in a tissue factory, he’s gonna burn these cases to ash—all eleven of them.”

“Eleven? Girl, you’ve been California-dick-dreaming with Redix Dean. We’re up to ten now unless you forgot.”

No, I didn’t forget.

It’s eleven cases if you count Redix.

Because I do.

Glancing over at him, he’s sitting on the foot of his bed, texting on his phone to get my charter flight home moved to as-soon-as-fucking-possible.

“You gotta talk some sense into him,” Penny insists. “He’ll listen to you.”

“Why me?”

“You know why. Jameson’s in love with you.”

“He’s not in love with me. He’s with Scarlett.”

That flicks Redix’s eyes up lightning-fast, and I wince.

Fuck, my mouth. It has no patience.

“He’s just frustrated.” I keep talking to Penny. “We all are. We’ve been at a stalemate with these cases for over a month, and it’s making us all crazy.”

“Well, crazy is going after Gentry Evans without backup. I’ll cover his ass by day, but I’m not chasing that rich, sick motherfucker across the dark Atlantic. I have a baby to go home to.”

“Alright, alright.”

See, this is what happens when I take time off and dare to be happy—fucking man-shit hits the fan and ruins it. Story of every woman’s life.

“I’ll call him.”

I wrap up that call to Penny and stop to zip up my suitcase.

“I got you leaving in two hours.” Redix looks hurt. “You’ll be home before two a.m.”
