Page 34 of All For You Duet

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The woman in the elevator? She got on with me and, without a word, went down on her knees. I took out my phone, and in my half-drunk haze, I looked at pictures of you I’ve saved on it while she gave me head.

What that video doesn’t show is that I didn’t come. I rarely can. I start thinking about you too much. How I miss you too much. How I’m so lonely and lost without you.

Because those women aren’t you.

It’s bullshit. How some think a kiss, a blowjob, or a fuck is a betrayal. Maybe for some. Not for me.

Those people have only given their bodies to a few while everyone’s taken from mine. People have been using my body since I can remember. For the camera. For their profits. For their pleasure.

My body means nothing to me. I sold what’s left of it to the world long ago.

But my heart means everything to me.

And it only belongs to you.

I protected it behind a haze of drinks and drugs so no one could take it from you.

I never gave it to anyone else.

That’s cheating. That’s betrayal. Who we promise to love. That’s what matters.

And I’ve kept my promise to you.

Every piece of me has been bought and sold, Cade, but not us.

Women in LA, Miami, hell Atlanta, Paris, and even Beijing. Honestly? Many have tried, but no one is you.

No one can replace what you mean to me.

No one knows what this feels like except you. You’ve always understood me because we’ve shared so many happy years until we shared the same hell.

And now you want to talk about that night?

And I can’t.

And I can’t stay away from you either.

Because I want my best friend, I want her body and her love. I want to feel my heart again, Cade.

It’s you… and I want you back.


17 by MK

Ice cubes melt in a bag over my numb ankle.

My heart feels the same.

Whatever’s streaming on the screen in front of me, I’m not watching it.

One shot of tequila and three beers in, and I don’t give a shit. This is my pathetic life, my mind toying with revenge.

Natalie and eight other victims. The lack of clues, of my guilt, that they look like me, the disconnected drops of evidence; they taunt me. It mocks my logic—can you solve these cases?

The next taunt?

