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“Ronin,” I speak slowly, like I’m speaking to a five-year-old, trying to raise my voice over the cacophony of chatter and cheering surrounding us, “I have to marry her or I’ll lose everything. Where do you think that money goes?” I lean in. “To you?”

“She isn’t safe here.” His eyes are trained on the track, watching the horses gallop faster.

“It doesn’t go to you,” I continue, even though he’s obviously not listening. “You and I will both have nothing.”

“You’ve already cut off most of my credit cards.”

“And I can turn them back on with a snap of my fingers.” I snap my fingers together. “I just need you to let me protect my fiancee the best way I see fit.”

“Did you know she wants to leave. She told me so herself.”

I purse my lips together. “Lies.”

“You sure about that, little brother?”

My blood boils, raising my body temperature. I raise a brow at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“She’s only pretending with you. She wants to leave. Let me help her.”

“Pretending?” My mind thinks about all the moments I’ve had with Clementine since the second she’s moved in. There’s no way she’s pretending. Is she?

Chapter 37


The last few days before a wedding are always a blur. A complete and utter haze of details, colors, and madness that culminates in one important day.

The butterflies flapping their tiny wings in my belly, cause a metamorphosis from fear to happiness.

These past few days, I haven’t had a moment to myself to even worry about a thing. Lana and I have been inseparable, planning everything to a ‘T’ to make sure the wedding goes off perfectly.

At my dress fitting, where I switched out the dress to the one he hasn’t seen, I had the realization that in just a few short days Gabriel Prince,theGabriel Prince, will be my husband.

I feel guilty for not telling him the truth.

And now we’re to the night before my wedding, and there’s only one thing left to do.

I grab my phone, placing a call to Erin. “Can we come over?” I ask her. “I have Tennyson all packed.”

Because of the business of the day tomorrow, Tennyson is staying the night with Erin and Troy, and she’ll bring him early to the wedding.

“Sure, I may even have some wine. I bet you’re a nervous wreck.”

I laugh. “Guilty. Ok, be there soon.”

Tennyson and I head to my car in the garage, and we set off to Erin’s. It’s nice driving myself. A part of me just needs to be alone, to have a break from always having someone around.

A black sedan follows a bit too closely when I turn onto the main road. It follows me every turn I make. Gut instinct tells me it’s no coincidence. I step on the gas, trying to lose him once I get into town. He stays pretty close to me, and I scramble to get my phone out to call Erin. There’s no way I can lead whoever this is to her house.

I glance quickly for her contact, and bring her up. “Erin, I have someone following me,” I say once she answers.

“Slow down, Clem. I can barely understand you.”

“Someone’s following me.” It has to be Bishop.

“Drive to the police station down the street from my house. Pull in there, and wait until he drives away.”

“Ok. Good idea,” I say.
