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Chapter 40


“Find her.” I glare at Stefan, knowing she didn’t leave on her own accord. “This has Bishop written all over it.”

Stefan nods and leaves my office. It’s late. The wedding would’ve ended hours ago. The wedding that never was. Everyone was so helpful and consoling when they found out there’d be no wedding, but their pity is something I don’t ever want again.

All I can think about is her safety. I promised her I would protect her.

Rage rips through me as I think about the turn of events. I head into my grandfather’s office, checking one more time if he left anything behind that may give me an idea as to what’s going on here. The room full of leather and wood still reeks of him. It’s polished every day as if he’s going to walk back in here and let us all in on the joke.

Files fly to the floor as I rip through them looking for anything that may lead me to the truth.

Knowing Tennyson is Bishop’s child leads me to believe my grandfather didn’t randomly choose Clementine for my bride.

No, there’s a reason he did this. I just don’t know what it is.

I slam my fist against the mahogany of his desk as I come up empty. I move over to his mini-bar, the one he kept stocked with top shelf liquor, removing the hundred year old bottle of King Louis XIII from the shelf, and pour myself a shot. I take a long pull from the glass, feeling the burn that is nowhere near what’s in my chest.

What the fuck is going on?

When I return the bottle, I spot a phone number on a scrap of paper lying where the bottle once was. No name, just a number.

I debate on calling the number as I try to put everything into place. It’s like a giant jigsaw puzzle, where I’m missing a few of the pieces.

Dean enters my grandfather’s office. “We think they flew out of the state.”

“This is ridiculous. Was it Bishop?”

“Yes, we have sources that lead him to Miami.”

“Get my jet ready.”

“Sure thing. We think they’re just off the coast of Florida,” Dean says. “We’re contacting the Coast Guard now.”

I pocket the number, and head up to my bedroom to change out of the tuxedo I’m still wearing. In my room, I call the number. On the second ring, a voice I know all too well answers.

“Ronin?” I say into the phone after he says ‘hello.’ I can’t believe my own ears. “Is that really you?”

“Gabriel, how did you get this number?”

Whose phone is this? I’m still a little shocked, wondering why Ronin is on the other end of the line. “Did you have anything to do with Clementine’s disappearance?” I roar, wondering if he’s working for Bishop.

“She’s missing?”


“Is Tennyson with you?” he asks in a hurry.

“He’s safe.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m about to be at my hangar at the executive airport.”

“I’ll meet you there.” And then Ronin hangs up.

Dean, Stefan, and I race across town to the airport, trying our best to get to my jet before Clementine slips into international waters and becomes even harder to find.
