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His dick pumps in and out of me, going deeper each time. His solid chest drags along my tits as he keeps moving. I moan out and he knows I’m getting close. He reaches down and rubs my clit. I moan louder, watching his eyes bounce between mine. The heat and arousal is enough to once again pull my orgasm out of me.

“Ronin,” I shout, never breaking eye contact.

He picks up his pace, dragging my release on, and a few minutes later my name is falling from his lips. I watch his face and it’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. The look of absolute pleasure. I’ll never forget it.

We lay tangled around each other until the sky turns pink. My head rests on his chest and I listen to his heart beat. I’m tired, but force myself to stay awake. He won’t be here long and I want to enjoy every second.

“I’m gonna make this right, Savannah. I’m going to get you the fuck out of here and back with your son,” Ronin says.

“It’s not that easy,” I regretfully reply.

“Nothing worth it is.” Just as he says that, the landline rings. No one has ever called that number since Joseph Prince died.

“Umm,” I say. “No one has ever called me except for your grandfather. He’s the only one with the number.”

He grabs it off the nightstand and answers it on speaker phone. “Hello?”

I recognize Gabriel’s voice immediately. “Ronin? Is that really you?”

“Gabriel, how did you get this number?”

“Did you have anything to do with Clementine’s disappearance?” My eyes meet Savannah’s and hers widen.

“She’s missing?”


I can see the full panic on Savannah’s face. “Is Tennyson with you?”

“He’s safe,”Gabriel replies.

“Where are you?” I rush out.

“I’m about to be at my hangar at the executive airport.”

“I’ll meet you there.” I hang up and Savannah is already to her feet, searching for her clothes.

“Do you think Bishop took her?” she asks as she throws on a pair of jeans.

I shrug. “It’s very possible. We need to go and get your sister back and end this shit once and for all.”

Chapter Three

Many months later…


Since the night we saved Clementine from Bishop Blackstone, Gabriel moved me into his house right away. I’m grateful to be near my family. To be able to spend time with Clementine and Tennyson everyday.

We didn’t tell Tenny that I’m his real mother as we didn’t want to confuse everyone. We also never want it to be known that Tennyson is Bishop Blackstone’s son. I don’t know how many people Bishop may have told, but for now Tenny is safe with us.

Ronin moved into the estate as well, helping Gabriel out with the family business.

“Want some ice cream?” Ronin says as he walks into the living room where I’m working on some designs on my laptop. “Oh, I thought Tennyson was here too.”

“No, Gabriel and Clem took him to see a movie.”

“You didn’t want to go?”
