Page 69 of Zero Tolerance

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Jasmine clung to me like I was a buoy in the storm sea she fought to keep from drowning in.

I kept my hold light, face in her hair, breathing in the natural sweet scent of her. My girl broke apart after almost four days of cold silence that had drained her face of color and body of energy.

I’d felt helpless every hour, watching her suffer from afar. The first day, I’d attempted to hug her before the cops had even arrived, but she’d stepped back, arms wrapped around herself. A soft touch to her lower back an hour later had made her gasp and scuttle away as though I’d burned her skin.

The third time, I’d intentionally grazed her elbow, and she’d gone into a full-blown panic attack that had taken us counting out breaths for ten minutes before she’d calmed.

I hadn’t touched her since, thinking sure that fuck head had broken Jasmine for good.

But I finally figured out it was fear ruling her reactions rather than her mind. I’d seen her strength. Her determination. She’d simply needed to be reminded of the power she held—in sceneing and otherwise.

Her tears soaked my skin, and rather than pity or have my heart break for her sorrow, I took pleasure in it. Add in the fact my spanking her gorgeous ass had aroused her body regardless of her emotional state, and hope blossomed in my head that we might one day get to where I’d like to be.

I doubted Jasmine would ever want the cane, but I could live without the hardcore shit. Maybe a flogger…crop…I could easily envision both moving over her skin and would find contentment in giving her release every fucking time she allowed it.

Maybe I would take her to Chantelle’s one night, allow her to see the lifestyle in living color. Watch her reactions to different scenes. Find what else might turn my little innocent lamb on.

But in the meantime, I would hold her. Comfort her. Be a rock she could huddle upon when things got too deep to wade through on her own.

“So fucking proud of you, Jasmine.” I kissed her head, soothing my hands on her arm and thigh until she eventually quieted.

A month earlier, I would have allowed her space, to dictate our next moves, but my woman needed to be reminded of my intentions. My growing love for her. My determination to stick with her through whatever shit roused to threaten what we’d found together.

She knew her safeword, and I trusted her to use it if I misjudged what else she needed.

Standing, I kept her tight against my chest.

With a sigh, she snuggled in closer, nose on my neck, her exhales hot on my skin.

My dick swelled with every sure step taking me down the hallway toward our bedroom. Using my elbow, I flipped on the lights, illuminating the corners of the room.

I set Jasmine on her feet, her wet eyes green as spring grass and vulnerable as fuck.

Lust kicked through my groin, and I clenched my jaw rather than ravaging her mouth. Without a word, I lifted her T-shirt—and she let me toss it aside without a sound. I glanced down over her body, the curves of her breasts, her taut belly, and the plain white panties that never ceased to drive me insane.

The fucker had warped her mind when it came to having me behind her, but it was time for my woman to take back all control. No more fucking hinderances.

“Take off those panties and turn around, little lamb.”

She shuddered and stared at me.

I kept silent, knowing she would find the courage to obey.

Her throat worked as she swallowed. “I…I’ll need to hear your voice if I can’t see you, Micah.”

“I won’t let you forget who’s loving on you,” I promised.

A shuddered sigh ripped through Jasmine, and she nodded, slowly stripping down and turning.

“On your knees on the bed. Face the headboard.”

She moved with hesitant footsteps but climbed onto the mattress like a good girl. Head bowed, she rested her hands on her thighs, the curve of her lower back and her reddened ass making my dick buck hard in my lounge pants.

I shoved them to my ankles and left them lying on the floor.

“No pain this time,” I spoke quietly while climbing onto the bed beside her. “Nothing but pleasure for my little lamb.” I swept her hair over her shoulder, my fingertips grazing her neck. “You’re so goddamned beautiful. Every inch of your skin…shoulders…spine…the curve right here.”

While speaking, I trailed my soft touch over her body, mapping out every delicious inch.
