Page 9 of Zero Tolerance

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Lips pursed, I shook my head.

“Come on.” She led me up the walkway to an addition on the right side of Mr. Fox’s house and unlocked the door. A three-room area, she’d warned me in advance, a small space that filled quickly when the owner of Elite decided to work from behind his desk in the larger of the two offices.

Of the three days a week that I would act as Elite Escort’s secretary, I would only have to deal with Dina’s Mr. Grumpy Pants a couple of hours total. Most days, Dina had explained on the ride into Weston, he didn’t even come to the office.

That was just fine by me. The less I had to interact with people in the flesh, the better life flowed for me.

“So, this is it.” Dina tossed her purse onto a small table beside the door. “Bathroom is there—” she pointed to our right “—the door beside it leads to Mr. Fox’s lair, and the one back there goes to his office. Like I said, tiny space.”

I set my purse down beside hers and pulled the extra straight-backed chair from beside it behind the desk alongside hers.Soon to be mine, I reminded myself, glancing at an open door of Mr. Fox’s empty office.

“He probably won’t show until around lunchtime,” Dina said, rolling her chair close to the desk. “Most Mondays he doesn’t come in at all, but since I’m showing you the ropes today, I’m sure he’ll swing in for a little while, at least.”

I perched on the edge of the chair and clasped my hands on my lap again. My stomach twisted in knots, and I wondered if the breakfast Mom had made me would stay down.

“Want to take notes?” Dina asked, handing me a pen.

“Sure.” My fingers shook, but I wrote down the voicemail and email passwords as she logged in and showed me the daily tasks upon first arriving. I wrote precise details as she pulled up the files on a few of the escorts and explained how I was to go about forwarding their client folders to them as people booked with Elite.

By twelve, my stomach had settled, and I actually ate the lunch I’d packed. It took us two hours to get payroll done—two days early but dated correctly—since she wouldn’t be in on Wednesday to walk me through the process.

A few phone calls came through, both of which she let go to voicemail for me to retrieve. She returned the first call—on speakerphone while I listened in to get a better feel for how she handled clients.

After a brief introductory discussion, Dina asked specifically what the woman was looking for.

A Dom. Someone to take control in a safe environment, flog or paddle her, and make her forget reality for a while. She didn’t require penetration but wanted the option open if the mood struck.

I blinked, surprised by the woman’s bluntness. While I knew Dina hooked up escorts with clients, I hadn’t expected such…explicit sexual discussions. My palms sweated over the fact I had no personal experience whatsoever.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

“We have a few escorts available that would fulfill your desires,” Dina told her in a professional voice I’d never heard her use before. She was all smooth…like a sex phone worker might be.

I bit my inner lip. How the hell could I carry on that type of conversation over things I was clueless about? I wouldn’t even know how to respond to the woman’s request.

“I’ll send over the paperwork in the next few minutes, and I’ll also include direct links to some of Elite’s best for you to choose from,” Dina informed the new client.

A few minutes later, she hung up and glanced my way. “I probably should have talked to you about this before dragging your ass into taking over the job for me, but what do you know about the BDSM lifestyle?”

My expression probably clued her in to the thoughts clambering around in my brain, but I answered anyway. “Um…not a whole lot.” I shrugged, my insides twisting again. I’d already quit my job—I needed this one. “I’ve read a few romance novels with stuff like bondage and spanking, but from what that client wants, it sounds like I’ve only peeked at the surface of a very deep rabbit hole.”

“You have no idea,” Dina muttered. She grabbed a notepad from the top drawer of the desk and jotted a few words down. “You get hyper-focused when wanting to learn something new, so I suggest you do that with this. You’re going to need a crash course on all things BDSM. Learn what you can to better take these calls and make sure you know what you’re talking about.”

ThatI could definitely do since I had zero life outside of work and had nothing better to do.

She listed a few websites and even a forum I could join for free where I could ask questions from people who actually lived in what she wrote down as a D/s relationship, which she also explained to my clueless brain.

“There are a shit ton of other kinks,” she said, handing me the paper. “A lot are listed on the limits form I’ll be sending this new client.”

I tucked the information into my purse with every intention of memorizing the hell out of whatever BDSM entailed. A small part of me couldn’t wait to get home to start since my interest had been piqued by the client’s honesty about what got her off.

Dina clicked around on the computer a bit, showing me where all the pre-scheduling forms and contracts were located. She emailed the woman an NDA, client personal information sheets, payment agreement, the limits form, and a couple of other things for the woman to fill out. She included a contract example which Dina would complete when—if—the woman ended up choosing one of the Elites from the links she included in the body of the email.

“So how do you figure out who’s a good match?” I asked, determined to not let Dina down and make this new job work for me.

Dina continued clacking on the keys while shrugging. “I’ve been at this almost from the beginning of EE. I know every single man and woman on payroll—and pretty well too. Micah does all the hiring, and the man is intuitive as fuck, let me tell you. The paperwork people go through, the physical, bi-monthly bloodwork, background checks…it’s not an easy process.”

“How many employees are into the BDSM thing?”
