Page 28 of One Night

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I waited, giving him a moment to expand, but Mason kept quiet.

“On?” I asked when he didn’t offer further words and I couldn’t stand the not knowing. How could I help him if I didn’t have the facts about the entire situation between him and Joseph?

“I need to call my friend,” he whispered.

And that was that.

Mason shut me out.



Ididn’t like hiding things from Jasper, especially considering all he’d done for me since the night before, but what would he think about me being an escort? Would the fact that I fucked clients for cash sicken him? Would he turn his back on me and walk away, feeling as though he’d dirtied himself by touching me?

Such an act would devastate me. In a short time, I’d become attached to the young man holding my hand. He’d comforted me. Eased my thoughts like no one ever had.

But I needed to discuss the situation with Micah before taking a chance with Jasper. Get some direction on how to handle the legal situation. God knew that aspect would affect more people than just me if I decided to make Joseph pay for what he’d done.

“I—I’d like to be alone,” I forced myself to say as Jasper pulled into my apartment building’s lot.

He parked in my spot before speaking. “The doctor at the ER said you should have someone with you.”

“Only for the first twenty-four hours—and that’s almost up.”

“That’s still quite a ways away,” Jasper argued with a gentle tone. He had a point. It wasn’t much past dinnertime.

“I have to make a private call, Jasper.” I couldn’t look at his face, so I settled for staring at his hand wrapped around mine against my thigh, hoping that pushing him away wouldn’t begin our ending. But what choice did I have? “There are things I need to think about. Talk through with my friend. I can’t do that with you in my small space upstairs.”

Jasper released a slow, steady exhale. “I’ll honor your request, Mason, but you have to promise to get in touch with me if the pain gets to be too much or you need someone to be with you.”

“I will.” I met his gaze and tried to smile without the false face I couldn’t find myself to wear in front of him. “Promise.”

He studied me a few seconds while I fought off the desire to look away. I expected he could easily read the emotion in my eyes because his filled with empathy. “Okay. Do you want me to walk you up?”

If he did, I would beg him to stay. “I’ll be fine,” I lied yet again.

“Text me when you’re in your apartment.”

We’d exchanged numbers earlier on the way to the station. I’d saved him under the name Savior, which had made him scoff.

“I will.” I pulled my hand from his, the sense of having a lifeline dissolving into thin air. Once more floundering in a sea of unease and anxiety, I climbed from his car. Pure stubbornness created distance between us, and every step away from his car caused an ache to radiate through my chest, deeper than theJJoseph had carved into my flesh. It also lowered my defenses against the jumpy anxiousness I’d experienced since the night Joseph had held me against my will.

My ears played tricks on me as I climbed the stairs, my heart racing with bursts of adrenaline. The shadows seemed to reach out to me, wanting to ensnare my wrists and ankles. Until I stood on the third floor, I felt faint, my lungs tight. Shaking hands made it difficult for me to unlock my front door, but once closed in the privacy of my home, I sagged against it.

I’m okay. It’s safe here. No one can harm me.

After repeating those words a couple of times, I managed to calm my thundering heartbeat somewhat. Inhales came easier. The tremors stopped.

I texted Jasper to let him know I’d made into my apartment without issue and peeked from my window overlooking the parking lot to watch him leave. The second his car disappeared around the corner, I collapsed onto my couch and called Micah before my brain went nuts on the what-ifs.

“Mason! You missed quite a bit of excitement last night.”

I huffed at Micah’s greeting. “What happened?”

“There were random gunshots in the hotel’s ballroom, and it caused building-wide chaos. You made it out just in time. No one was hurt though, so it’s all good. I got to head home a little earlier than expected and show Jasmine my appreciation for the party she threw for me.”

“Someone followed me out of the hotel and attacked me,” I blurted, having no wish to think about another couple’s happily ever after.

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