Page 35 of One Night

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His amber eyes lifted to focus on my face. “I think I want to—no, IknowI do.”

“I feel the same.”

He stood, leaned in, and kissed me sweetly on the lips. “Shorts—then get under those covers, baby.”

I hummed my happiness over the pet name and shoved at my shorts until they caught around my ankles. I swore I had four thumbs.

“Fuck, what a sight,” Jasper murmured, widening my grin as I lay on the bed, legs hanging off the side.

“I’ve got a big dick, but I hate topping,” I muttered.

Jasper chuckled. “What other truths do you want to share with me while you’re high as a kite?”

“I could love you.” The words fell from my lips since my subconscious held the reins. But I didn’t care in that moment.

Jasper paused from folding the shorts I’d kicked free.

I fought to focus on him as he slowly continued before setting them atop my bureau. Standing between my legs, he peered down at me. “I could love you too, Mason. Easily. I want tomakelove to you like you wouldn’t believe, but there will be time for that later.”

My heart should have gone pitter-patter, but the pills brought about a numbness that didn’t allow full emotional responses.

Sighing, I allowed Jasper to help me get beneath my rumpled comforter where I sprawled on my back. “Get naked. Want you with me,” I murmured, a hovering sense of fear he would leave attempting to break through the drug haze in my brain.

Jasper didn’t argue, simply removed his clothing—T-shirt, khaki shorts, and white briefs.

“You’re beautiful,” I murmured as he crawled onto my bed, his thick cock making me wish I hadn’t taken those damn pills. I longed to feel his perfect girth stretching me, every inch of him buried deep inside my body.

“You can’t look at me like that right now.” Jasper planked over me on hands and knees.

He was so damn hot above me like that—wanted him to stay there for-fucking-ever. I grinned, the heaviness in my chest easing from his close proximity. “Can’t help it.”

Jasper flashed a crooked smirk that made me want to bite his full, lower lip. “It’s a good thing I’m so much younger than you, old man,” he teased, leaning down to brush his mouth over mine with too quick of a smooch. “Because I have a feeling you’re going to be insatiable once you’re sober.”

“Mmm,” I hummed an agreement, snuggling in against his side when he finally stretched out beside me.

He tucked my face against his neck, his hand cradling the back of my head. “Rest, baby.” Soft kisses brushed over my hair. “I’ll hold you while you sleep.”

I passed the fuck out.



Mason slept like the dead, and I eventually grew too antsy to lay still.

I slid on my pants, attacked the dirty dishes, then moved on to the kitchen table’s paperwork—trash, more like it. A few bills appeared to be unpaid, so I left those alone, getting rid of the junk mail and any other piece of paper that didn’t look important.

His cell sat atop the table—turned off, which explained why he hadn’t answered either my texts or calls.

I found an old vacuum in the hallway closet but didn’t want to wake Mason so set that task aside for later. I scrubbed out the coffeepot then made fresh instead.

Back in my briefs, I leaned against Mason’s headboard with a cup of steaming joe. Minutes later, Mason finally stirred, slowly blinking open his eyes. He caught sight of me and gently rolled into my legs with only a slight wince, slung his arm over them, and rested his cheek on my thigh.

His mouth lay too damn close to my cock.

My fingers found his hair on instinct, and I scratched at his scalp, taking care to avoid his stitches. His low moan twitched life through my groin. “Sleep well?”

“Mmm,” he hummed an agreement. “I don’t think I’m high anymore.”
