Page 81 of One Night

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I hadn’t been a basket case like both Jasper and I had expected while watching Joseph wait for his fate. I hadn’t shut down, nor had I donned my fake persona in the courtroom. I’d chosen to face my past and had done so with a steady stare, unwavering and unmoved. On the outside, at least.

While I’d come a hell of a long way in a few short months thanks to Jasper’s love and Zeke’s help, I still struggled with my emotions on occasion.

Jasper had sat beside me, holding my hand every day as we had listened to the District Attorney’s office go into great detail about Joseph Delaney’s crimes against the original victim to press charges. A second had come forward before the trial had begun—Joseph’s first obsession. Same as myself and the last man tied to Joseph’s bed, he had a J-shaped scar on his chest. And the same as the others, he’d been forcibly intoxicated and sexually assaulted by a young man dressed in a tutu and sparkly fairy wings.

Jasper had cringed at hearing the described attire, shifting his ass on the hard bench we sat upon. I’d glanced at him, but he’d feigned a smile to put me at ease. I’d leaned in and pressed my lips to his forehead assuring him that Iwasfine, that no piece of clothing he chose to put on his body would trigger my PTSD.

The first victim of Joseph’s morbid actions had gone to the hospital and had blood drawn to prove he’d been drugged. Rather than seeking out the authorities, he’d taken his evidence to Joseph’s father and had accepted a large settlement to keep quiet. He’d remained silent until the latest victim went after the young man who’d hurt them both.

The District Attorney had played the videos Joseph had saved on his laptop of the two incidents, vivid, high-def recordings of what he’d done to the men. Detective Jenner had informed me that my assault had been recorded as well, but the DA didn’t expose me or my video to the court.

Jurors had been green around the gills, and I’d had to close my eyes when Joseph had cut himself and leaned over the other two men he’d taken advantage of to smear his blood with theirs atop their chests. At least they’d pixelated private parts and kept the sound muted. Joseph’s words, however, had been written out verbatim, read aloud.

We had watched Detective Jenner take the stand, laying out all the evidence he and his team had gathered. We listened as a forensic expert spoke of DNA on the boar’s head knife that matched the first victim.

My DNA had been the second found, but again, had not been mentioned or named.

While the defense’s closing argument begged for leniency for young Joseph, the attorney’s words had fallen on deaf ears thanks to the DA’s solid case. Joseph had created his own noose and not just with the video. There had been hundreds of damning messages and voice messages too.

It had been a slam dunk from day one, but he’d been arrogant enough to think he could win, refusing to plead guilty for a lesser sentence or claim insanity.

A couple nightmares haunted me during the lengthy trial, but Jasper kept me from floundering. He’d been my rock through every hour, staying by my side with every day that passed.

And now it’s over.

Jasper and I climbed into the car, and he turned the heat on blast mode, holding his hands to his mouth to exhale hot air over them.

I buckled in and sat still, hands in my lap, staring out the windshield, my mind finally resting thanks to the privacy we shared.

“You okay, baby?” He reached over and threaded his fingers through mine.

A slow smile curved my lips. “Yes.”

My attacker, the young man who’d stalked me and nearly ended my life, had been found guilty on all charges. The judge’s expression had held a note of satisfaction in hearing the verdict read before the court.

Joseph was given life in prison with no chance of parole for how he’d scarred the two men’s minds, their memories, and their bodies. He might have been used by fate to gift me the love of a lifetime that humid night back in July, but I took great pleasure in knowing he’d been brought lower than sewer rats.

He would have no money for pretty clothes.

No salon for those golden curls.

No designer jumpsuit to set him apart from the other criminals he would be surrounded by.

I wished some massive, STD-ridden inmate would make Joseph his sex slave. I wanted him to be rough and get off on Joseph’s tears. Maybe tie him up. Take a knife to him just for fun. I hoped the little shit lived a miserable-ever-after beneath a beast of terror hellbent on ripping him in two without lube every damn night for the rest of his worthless life.

My thoughts bordered sadistic and cruel, but I believed people ought to reap what they sowed. Eye for an eye and all that shit. Joseph Delaney the third deserved pain and terror. I prayed karma made him her bitch.

I slowly emptied my lungs and sent along thoughts concerning Joseph’s future from my mind along with my exhale. He was our past.

Jasper and I had one hell of a future ahead of us.

“I’m glad it’s over,” I finally murmured after fifteen minutes of silent driving. I glanced over to find Jasper smiling. He lifted our clasped hands and kissed my knuckles.

“I’ve been making strides toward creating a new life,” I continued, “and with your help, I’ve achieved a ton. But now?” I squeezed his fingers tight, rubbing my thumb over the back of his hand in a gentle caress. “He is nothing more than a thing from my past. There’s no chance of running into him on the street, no way my cell will ever light up with a threatening text. His obsession might remain, but I’m truly free of it.”

As though to mock me, my cell dinged a notification.

I swiped the screen and grinned. “Micah sent me aFuck yes!” I chuckled. “Guess the news just broke.”
