Page 4 of Brother's Beauty

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I push her forward, pressing her against the cold stone wall, her breasts mashing against it and her ass pressing back against my straining dick even harder. She knows I’d never kill her, I just enjoy toying with her. But the way I’m feeling right now, I’d kill every male on this fucking campus just because the mental picture popped into my head of them touching what’s mine.

I let my hand slip from her breast, down her body to find the raised scar in the shape of my initials in her upper thigh. “Fuck,” I whisper, my cock jumping against her ass. I reach over and rub her pussy, wasting no time pushing two fingers inside her tight entrance without warning. She cries out, and I can’t hold back. I need to be inside her.

I make quick work of my jeans, and I’m fisting my cock in the hand that isn’t holding my knife against her throat. I line myself up and plunge inside her, eliciting a scream from my sweet sister as I viciously fuck her.

“I missed you, Beauty,” I grunt against her ear, lowering my blade to drag it between her breasts, down her stomach, and stopping just before I reach her pussy. I flip the knife in my hand and use the blunt end to rub against her clit while my cock stretches her, splitting her pretty pussy open just for me.

“I missed you more, big brother,” she cries out, her body shuddering as I swipe the handle of my knife over her clit one last time before her orgasm takes over. I usually last longer than this, but it’s been too long, and her pussy is so warm, wet, and tight, gripping me like nothing I’ve ever felt before. When she arches back against me, allowing me to slide the slightest bit deeper inside her, it’s enough to push me over the edge. I bring my hand up that is not holding my knife and grip her throat, stealing her breath as I fill her with the come she deserves.

My whole body feels heavy, but I can’t lean against her too hard or I’ll crush her. And no matter how tired I am, there's still one thing I need to do.

I scoop up her boneless body and carry her out into the main part of the shower room. I grab one of the folded towels and toss it on the long counter before sitting her down. She seems to know what I’m about to do because she’s grinning, opening her legs to give me better access to her upper thigh. I rub the rough pads of my fingers over the raised scar tissue that makes the letters EH on her otherwise perfect skin. I don’t waste any time because I feel an urgency to get her out of this place and into my own bed where I can fuck her for hours until she falls asleep.

I take my sharp blade and slice into her skin, tracing the cut I’ve already made multiple times. Her body jerks back in pain, but she moans when I take the handle of the knife and bring it to her pussy, pushing it inside to keep my come from leaking out of her. She’s on birth control, but even if she weren’t, I wouldn’t give a fuck. I pump the handle inside her and lean down, licking the sweet Hillcrest blood from the wound I just opened.

When I pull the knife out of her pussy and hand it to her, she knows what I want, but I can’t stop touching her. As she carves IH on my chest, directly over my heart, I pump two of my fingers inside her come-filled pussy, and only when she’s finished licking the blood dripping down my abdomen do I pull my fingers out and shove them roughly in her mouth. She gags from the sheer force, but swallows them, giving me exactly what I want.

“That’s my good girl,” I tell her, and she grins at me, sticking her tongue out to show me that she swallowed the come I pushed in her mouth.

“I knew you’d find me,” she giggles, lunging forward to wrap her arms around my neck, and I let her wrap her legs around my hips. I’d be happy to carry her like this for the rest of her life.

“I’ll never let you out of my sight again,” I murmur against her ear and cup her ass with my palm. “As much as I want to keep you naked, if anyone sees you like this, I’m going to have to burn this whole campus to the ground, and that’s going to cut into the time I plan on spending fucking you senseless,” I tell her, letting her slide to the floor. She pouts but quickly starts putting her Hillcrest uniform back on. She’s in a matching white bra and panty set, a short-sleeved white button-down shirt, and a pleated skirt.

She grabs me by the hand and tugs me out into the hallway before she tells me, “I need to stop somewhere before we leave campus.”



“Give me what I want,” Ethan demands, gripping my hair and tipping my head back to look at him.

“I like when you pull my hair,” I tease him, flicking my tongue out over the fullness of my bottom lip. “What will you give me if I do?”

Despite our activities of the last hour, he’s fully hard, as evidenced by the bulge pressing against my ass. His hand tightens in my hair, and he takes the kiss that he wants, mashing our lips together angrily. I’m soaking wet, but we’re in a hallway where students could walk out at any time to make their way to the bathroom. He clearly does not give a shit because he’s pressing me against the wall so hard that my back makes a loud thud when it makes contact. He only pulls away when my lungs begin burning from lack of oxygen. He’s intuitive that way, always knowing when it’s just enough to be great, and not quite too much. My thigh is stinging from where he cut me, and I relish in the feeling. I’ve missed it almost as much as I missed my brother.

“We’re going to wake everyone up,” I whisper through kiss-swollen lips, and he only quirks a brow like he’s asking if I think he gives a fuck. “Come on, we can be in and out before the twins wake up, and I’ll give you the best road head of your life on the way out of here,” I offer, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward Sophia’s door. I know he’s annoyed that I wanted to stop for my things, but the necklace with his initials dangling from it that he gave me before Mom went berserk holds a special place in my heart, which is why I asked Sophia to look after it in case they tried to take it from me in the asylum.

“I can kick the door in if you want,” he says, grinning at me like he’d really like to add destruction of property to our list of sins for the night.

“Save your strength for the ride home, caveman.” I reach inside my shirt, wiggle my fingers beneath the top of my bra, and grab the key Sophia gave me on her first visit to see me. I grabbed it when we stopped by my room to get Ethan some dry clothes on the way out of the asylum. The best I could do were some Hillcrest sweatpants and a t-shirt. Ethan killed both guards who saw us, which means no more fun with his knife until we get home, and he can sterilize it. For as fucked in the head as Ethan is, he doesn’t like anyone else’s blood touching me. I wave the key ceremoniously at him, knowing he’s going to punish me on the way home for my attitude. Giddiness fills my chest at the thought, and I almost decide to leave now and have Sophia mail me my necklace. But it doesn’t sound like the cabin is on a mail route and the way Ethan talks, once we get there, we won’t be leaving for the winter.

He grabs my ass and squeezes, dipping his head low enough to nip at my neck. His hand comes up to cover my mouth, anticipating the squeak of surprise that would have left my mouth. He knows me better than I even know myself, and I love that. I love him. I missed him so much, and I finally feel my world centering after all the chaos our family has endured. “Hurry up. I need to get inside you again. I can’t wait much longer.” I can hear the panic in his voice, and I return the same feelings. We’ve been apart for far longer than either of us can handle.

I push the key into the lock and twist the doorknob slowly because I don’t want to wake Sophia or Landon. I smirk at the thought. I know he’s here with her. Every time she came to visit me, he would just lurk around her, giving anyone who dared look at her menacing looks. I don’t take it personally that he didn’t seem to care what was happening to me, because I know that’s the curse. Or at the very least, the bond they share. I hope they’re cuddled up in her bed all cute and sweet because I’m a sap, and I’d love to see Landon’s softer side. He tries to hide it, but I know he just melts for her.

When we get inside Sophia’s room, I would have squealed in delight if Ethan’s fingers weren’t still tightly pressed against my mouth. I feel him lift his lips from my shoulder when my body stiffens at what I see.

Sophia is spread out on her bed, sound asleep, and Landon is sitting in her vanity chair at her bedside. He’s stroking his thick cock vigorously with what I’m certain is a pair of Sophia’s silky pink panties while he looks down at her. She’s in his Hillcrest Ice Hockey t-shirt that is pushed up around her ribcage. Her panties are simple, white, with a little pink bow in the center of the waistband. His hand that isn’t working his cock is wrapped around her upper thigh. I can see that he’s pushed her panties to the side, probably so he can imagine that he’s sliding inside her pussy instead of the poor imitation he has wrapped around his dick.

Landon’s head snaps over to glare at us and he curses, pushing what looks like a still painfully hard cock back into the waistband of his gray sweats. He’s shirtless, and the defined muscles of his abdomen flex, probably in his rage that we caught him.

Ethan lets out a rich, deep laugh that I don’t remember ever hearing from him before, and the sound warms me from the inside out. If it's even possible, Landon scowls even more harshly than he already was. “I thought the Hillcrest curse wasn’t real, big man?”

“Get the fuck out,” Landon snaps, pushing up out of the chair to fix Sophia’s panties before walking toward us. I step in front of Ethan, knowing that they’re both about to get their aggression out by brawling with each other when, clearly, they both just need their balls drained. I roll my eyes. I love Ethan, but guys are predictable and kind of dumb most of the time.

“Have you told her?” I ask Landon sincerely because, from the vibe I get from Sophia, she thinks he’s only protective of her because they’re twins, and he feels responsible for her.

“No, and you’re not going to either.” Landon reaches out to grab my arm to try and bully me into listening to him, but I’m too quick for him, and I’m already hopping over to the bed and climbing up next to Sophia. Her breath comes out in short little puffs, and her long hair isn’t tied back like she usually keeps it during school hours. It’s fanned out in dark waves across her off-white satin pillow.
