Page 116 of The Luna Duet

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My phone vibrated again, ripping out my heart all while my temper made me reckless.

I was done torturing myself.

Done wanting what I couldn’t have.

If I spent the night with Rhea, perhaps whatever hold Neri had over me would end, and we could finally be exactly what we ought to be.



And nothing more.

“Come home with me?” Rhea asked, swallowing hard as if the invitation had cost her more than she wanted to admit.

For all the titbits she’d shared of her life. For all her confessions of running away from a boyfriend who hadn’t valued her and landing in a country where no one knew her, she was still a total stranger.

A girl I’d spent two hours with.

A girl who didn’t know my last name, my past, or a damn thing about me that could risk my future.

My heart screamed to refuse.

My cock begged to agree.

But it was my mind that made the decision.

Calculated and frankly rather cold, I knew what I wanted. And I wanted to get rid of my virginity before it drove me even more insane than it already had. Tomorrow, when we drove back to Port Douglas, I wanted to return to Neri with the knowledge that I’d been with someone else.

Therefore, I couldn’t love her as much as I thought I did because how could I physically touch another, kiss another, fuck another...all while I was supposed to be head over fucking heels in love with her?

This was a test.

A perfect test and the perfect fucking cure.

Bending a little, I pressed my cheek to hers. “I’d be honoured to go back to your place.”

Her sharp inhale made me harden and I steeled myself from checking my phone as she placed her hand in mine and guided me to her bed.

Chapter Twenty-Six




(Moon in Swedish: Måne)

“DO YOU WANT A DRINK?” RHEA ASKED as she shut the door to her tiny apartment.

I stood on the white-washed wooden flooring that did its best to freshen up the drab walls, unmade bed wedged in the corner, small table pressed against the wall, and dated kitchenette beneath the only window.

“Bathroom is through there if you need it.” Rhea pointed at the only door in the entire place. I didn’t need to go, stomach hadn’t stopped clenching as we’d walked here.

I’d put one foot in front of the other and did my best to leave Neri behind.

Yet she just kept haunting me, following everywhere I went.
