Page 196 of The Luna Duet

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“Neri. Wait up.” I balled my hands, adding a burst of speed.

She didn’t stop.

I frowned as she reached for her bike.

I touched her elbow.

She jumped so fucking high, she tripped over the front wheel and tumbled into the flowerbed.

“Shit, Neri...are you okay?” I bent down to gather her up, but she scurried away from me, her eyes as wide as moons, her face drawn and white.

The fear that’d swirled in my stomach amplified. Dropping to my haunches, I whispered, “It’s me. Just me.”

Her eyes met mine.

Something filled them.

Something I’d never seen before.

A strange kind of tide, full of secrets and pain.

But then she blinked, and it was gone. Dipping her chin, her tangled hair swung around her face, cutting me off. With a quiet gasp, she dug her hands into the soil, crushing pretty flowers, not caring she got her dress filthy.

Pushing upright, she swayed and almost fell again.

I caught her.

She made a noise that clenched my heart.

A noise I’d never heard before.

A noise that sounded as if she was fucking petrified of me.

Pushing me away, she groaned, “I need too gwesh away from hereee.”

I turned stone cold.

Kafami sikeyim.

My forehead furrowed as anger filled me. “You’re drunk.”

She kept her chin down, not meeting my eyes.

Now I knew why.

Why she’d run and why she didn’t want to make eye contact.

She was pissed as a fucking sailor.

Bloody hell, Jack would kill her for this. He’d been far too lenient on her. He hadn’t set enough boundaries.

With trembling hands, I reached for her. “What the hell were you thinking?”

She cried out as I grabbed her elbows and shook her a little. “Do you have any idea what danger you could’ve been in? And you were going to bike home? Drunk? Fuck, Nerida. Anything could’ve happened. A guy could’ve kidnapped you. You could’ve fallen off and hurt yourself. You could’ve been run over, for fuck’s sake!”

She sucked in a shaky breath.

A single tear rolled down her cheek.
