Page 305 of The Luna Duet

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He would’ve killed me if Neri hadn’t knocked him out.


My hands gripped the sink as a crest of nausea struck me.

She loves me.

She chose me.

Over her own father.

My hands curled around the cold porcelain.

I don’t deserve her.

But I can’t live without her.

I wanted to leave this place but how could I without her? How could I survive a single day without her smile, her touch, her love?

I’d returned to this house that was both my prison and sanctuary with intentions to pack a bag and leave. To slink into the dark and figure out a way to live in this country without being seen or caught.

But...what would be the fucking point?

I didn’t want to hide when I had nothing to hide for.

I didn’t want to scrape out a living when the only thing that made sense was already stolen from me.

I’d rather be caught and sent back to my father than exist another day in this country without the one girl I would die for.

So...that’s what I’ll do.

Raising my head, I stared into my bloodshot eyes. Every part of me hurt. My ribs blazed every time I breathed, my cheekbones felt as if they’d shatter at the gentlest touch, my head throbbed, my ears rang, and the bruises down my legs where Jack had repeatedly kicked me threatened to buckle me to the floor.

I couldn’t run.

I wouldn’t run.

I’d wait for whoever walked through that door and put the rest of my battered and bruised life into their hands because...I was done. Jack had effectively shown me that physical pain was nothing compared to the pain of never seeing Neri again.

I couldn’t breathe without her.

I wouldn’t survive a day without her in my life.

I’m done hiding how I feel—

My left leg gave out, and I crumpled to the floor.

Tiredness swarmed me.

My blood-dirty forehead rested against the edge of the sink.

I’ll rest...just for a minute.

I think I passed out because I was stiffer than ever when I rallied round—finding myself curled into a painful ball on the damp bath mat.

I had no idea what the time was, and the painkillers barely took the edge off, but urgency crawled through me.

Wherever Jack, Anna, and Neri had gone with the police, they might be back any moment. Which meant I was running out of time to figure out how to tell her that I’d always love her, even as they dragged me away. I needed her to vow to me that she would never follow me. That the moment I was taken, that was it. She had to forget about me because the very idea of my father getting his hands on her made me dry retch on the turquoise bath mat.
