Page 2 of Keeping Her Close

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While trying to figure out if I’m going to get the job done, I notice a mousy little thing going up to the bar. Shyly, she waves my girl down and orders an Angel Shot. The panic I can see in both of their eyes from here, has me on high alert but I don’t move from my seat. The mousy girl then makes a beeline for the bathroom and Andrea follows shortly behind her.

Starting to become concerned when my girl came out of the bathroom after a bouncer knocked on the door. After a few minutes of their hushed whispers, the bouncer ushers the poor, young, mousy girl out as fast as he can without drawing too much attention. It is then that my girl goes back to the bar, acting as if nothing had just happened. By this point I’ve finished my whiskey again.

I wave down the next server to walk by my booth. This time I just order water and send her to fetch it. In the short time it takes for her to bring it back to me, I witness some jackass start to stagger up to the bar, screaming and yelling some garbled shit.

It turns out that he was the date of the mousy one that was escorted out of here. He wants to know where his woman went and Andrea just kindly says that she had caught a ride home before excusing herself to go help another customer. Douchebag then proceeds to get even more pissed off, spewing profanities and throwing everything in sight, right at my girl.

The growl that escapes me not only surprises me but my server, who is dropping off my water. Ignoring her, I get up from my seat and push past her. I am ready for a fight. At easily twice this boy's size, I am just itching to smear his face across the floor for even thinking about harming her.

Before I can even make it to him, the bouncer from earlier materializes out of nowhere and tackles the guy, just as he throws a stool across the bar. That piece of shit better be thankful it missed its intended target.

I decide to help drag the guy out of the place, kicking and screaming, before tossing him out into the night on his ass where he belongs. Leaving him with a few parting words, I make my way back inside to my vacated booth. Just as I'm passing the bar, my girl grabs my attention by tapping an empty beer bottle on the bar top.

“Hey, thank you for your help with that guy. He was pissed that his dateghostedhim,” she explains.

“It's no problem at all. I saw the whole thing go down with her before he came up here drunk and harassing you. You won't need to worry about that again, by the way.”

She looks at me for a moment. Wanting to ask what I meant by that, but then she just smiles before turning to another customer next to me. Her smile lights up my entire night, and for just a second, it chases away all the shadows. Maybe I will have a little fun and make her mine before I have to remove her from this fucked up world.

Just as I sit back down, I realize the time. It is well after midnight and the bar will be closing down soon for the night. After finishing the water I ordered, I catch the server as she floats by cleaning tables. I slip her a hundred and tell her to keep the change and that she was amazing tonight.

She was a shit server, to be honest. I had to physically flag her down for all my refills and she never took the empty glasses, but I am in a good mood and don’t want to wait for the change. I need to get into position.

Slipping out of the front door, I make my way across the street, where I wait in the shadows until she gets done with work. I didn't drive here and will be walking back to my rental as soon as I make sure she gets to her car safely. I wouldn't think the drunk douchebag would come back after our little chat, but I have seen dumber shit happen and I would just like to make sure no harm comes to her.

About twenty minutes later, she comes out of the bar and turns left. She has her hoodie back on to cover her tits up, but her ass is still on display in that little mini skirt she has on. Damn, does it look amazing with those huge platform boots as she struts down the sidewalk. Staying on the opposite side of the road and in the shadows, I follow her.

It takes just a few minutes before I notice that someone else is following her, too. They are far enough behind her that she doesn't notice them, but I do. I don't engage though. I just keep my eye on both of them as we all continue to walk in the same direction. At the next light, she turns left again and rounds the corner. Since it is a busy intersection, I am held up for a moment because I have to wait for the cars to get out of the way for me to cross safely.

Within the minutes that she is out of my sight, she disappears. Once I can cross, I realize that I can no longer see her or the person that was following her. It could all be a coincidence. Maybe she lives on this block. Maybe that dude is her boyfriend or maybe it’s the jackass from earlier.

Just as I'm about to turn around and head back to my place, I hear what I swear is a muffled scream from up ahead. Rushing ahead, to get a better look at where the sound is coming from, and sure as shit, there they are. Tucked away in an alcove between two shops, he has her pushed up against the back wall. One of his hands is traveling up the back of her skirt to grab her ass, while the other hand is fixed against her mouth and nose, dampening all the sounds she is trying to make.

A growl erupts from my chest and it's so loud I startle both of them. Taking two long strides, I grab the piece of shit by the back of his shirt and rip him from her body, throwing him to the ground. Landing hard on his back, the only sound that comes from him is a pathetic grunt and the hollow thud as his skull meets the sidewalk.

I don't stop there though.

Kneeling on his chest, I proceed to snap each of his fingers until they are all hanging at grotesque angles. It's the least I can do for having his hands on what is now mine, especially without her consent. After making sure to rearrange his face a few times, I wipe the blood from my hands on his jeans before standing up.

“Hey sugar, are you okay?” Immediately, I reach out to grab her in a tight embrace to make sure that she is okay. I'm not sure of everything she is saying because she has her face buried in my chest, sobbing uncontrollably. I just hold her until she is ready to let go.

Finally, she takes a step back, wiping at her face and trying to collect herself as she says, “I will be. Thank you for all of that.” She gestures to the trash lying unconscious on the sidewalk next to us.

“Well, he deserves more than I delivered. He's lucky to still have his hands and his life at this point. No one and I mean no one, touches you without your consent. I will not tolerate it.”

She seems to be taken aback by what I just said, considering we are technically strangers and we just met tonight. It will be the last time she sees me until I get her where I need her to be.

Chapter two


Icannotbelievewhatjust happened. I’m still in shock from it all. Between the assault, to the beat down of the piece of shit, I just don't know what to do. I know I need to act like I can't take care of myself, so I just cling to this strange man for what seems like way too long. But his muscular arms continue to hold me tightly and his earthy scent comforts me in ways I didn't think was possible.

While I continue to hold on to him, I try to make myself seem as weak as I can manage without overselling it. Before things get too damn awkward though, I let him go to take a step back, wiping at my face so that I don’t look so disgusting. I'm sure it doesn't work, but hell, at least I tried.

“I will be. Thank you for all of that.” Gesturing to the trash lying unconscious on the sidewalk next to us.

“Well, he deserves more than I delivered. He's lucky to still have his hands and his life at this point. Noone and I mean no one, touches you without your consent. I will not tolerate it.”

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