Page 7 of Keeping Her Close

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“You are a real piece of shit, you know? I bet you don't even know how to make a woman come. Your game is weak, but your fingers and tongue are even weaker.”

“I'd hurry if I were you, pup. Men are going to start filing in before too long and we wouldn’t want them to see that pretty pussy now would we?”

And with that, he is gone.

Chapter five


Walkingawayfromherhas to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. I want nothing more than to turn around and take everything she has to give, but I won't because I've already made the worst possible mistake that I could.

I marked her as mine.

Momma Jo and my brothers are going to be pissed when I call them in a few hours with an update.

Momma Jo is our handler, so to speak. People contact her with the jobs they need to be done, and then she sends out whichever of us has expertise in that area. She was contacted by a pack on the East Coast for this job. Being the most ruthless out of the three of us that are hitmen, she figured I'd be the best bet to kill off a twenty-two year-old woman. Well, she should have just sent one of my brothers because apparently, my target is my mate. Never in a million years did I think that I would mate with anyone, let alone with a target who is seventeen years younger than I am. And to top it off, I let my wolf take over just long enough to mark her.

Shaking off the anxiety that is taking over, I head back toward Andrea’s van. I have to make sure she will not be leaving Denver before I have the chance to figure out what the fuck I am going to do about this. I make it to the van just before the sun starts to crest the horizon and pull my knife from my boot. There is still blood on the blade and the smell of it makes my mouth water immediately and my cock to start to swell again. Pushing down the urge to lick the blade clean, I get onto my knees so that I can reach under the van and access the gas lines. I have no problem locating them and I cut them just enough to make it look like an accident. From there, I pull the cameras and mics out of my inside pocket to install them inside the van before I disappear into the background for a few days. Thank God these cameras and mics are waterproof, because Kage would murder me for destroying them. Especially with how it happened.

Testing the back door, I find it is already unlocked. I was anticipating having to break in, but this makes things so much easier and it will take no time at all. Pulling open the back doors, I’m met with the messiest, yet most comfortable-looking, bed I think I have ever seen. I cannot believe how chaotic a woman Andrea is, considering that she doesn't seem like she would allow anything in her life to be out of place.

Spotting a few overly loved stuffed animals nestled in her pile of pillows further proves why I should not be getting involved with her. I am almost old enough to be her fucking father for God’s sake. Shaking my head of all the inappropriate thoughts that are trying so hard to make themselves known, I get back to the job at hand. In all, I install two microphones and four cameras in the inside of the van and two microphones on the outside so I can see and/or hear anything and everything while I wait for my perfect opportunity.

I hate that I have to do this, but it’s part of the job. Watching for the perfect moment to take her out, but I just want to observe her in the place she feels safe. Where she feels at home and can be herself. I’m just going to keep telling myself that I am doing this for her safety or I will lose my shit.

I manage to make it into the safety of the treeline and turn around, when I see a very pissed-off Andrea coming out of the gym. She stops at the curb to scan her surroundings. No doubt looking for me. When she doesn't see me anywhere, she sprints for her van. She throws open the side door and flings her things inside before she jumps up and slams the doors shut.

My wolf is just as pissed at me as she is right now and demands that I go back and claim her. Not just mark her. The fucking urge to slam her up against her van, wrap my hand around that beautiful neck, and fuck her as she deserves is overwhelming. But I have to fight the compulsion so I head toward the little place I’m renting while I’m here so that I can do my check-in before crashing for the night. My cock is so hard that it is starting to hurt as it presses into my jeans and no amount of adjusting is going to help. It’s going to be a long fucking night, that's for damn sure.

Walking in and locking the door behind me, I pull out my knife and set it and my keys on the table next to the door before shedding my jacket and boots. I’m pretty sure I'm going to need new boots and a new jacket, because water and leather do not do well together, and they are soaked and most likely destroyed. Whatever, I can just buy new ones when I get back home because that little romp in the locker room shower was more than worth it.

It's just before seven a.m. and I don't have to check in until seven-thirty. Heading into the small kitchen, I put on a pot of coffee before heading to the shower. I need to wash all this sweat away and try my best to get rid of the raging hard-on that refuses to soften. Since the coffee will take a few to brew, I shed the rest of my still damp clothing into the laundry room and head back to the bathroom. I turn the water to straight ice cold because I need to cool my blood down and wake the fuck up to my reality. Cold water should also calm my cock down enough to get through today. I don’t have the time to take care of it right now, so it's going to have to wait.

My mind drifts during the mundane task of scrubbing my body and it starts to drift back to her. My cock instantly springs back to life and instead of ignoring it this time, I take it in my hand and begin to slowly stroke myself to the vision of her strung up on that shower head.

Her wolf's beautiful eyes shining back at me and the taste of her sweet skin. Vanilla and oranges. Not only is that now my favorite scent, it is my favorite flavor. Add in her sweat, anger, fear, and blood mixing with the taste of her pussy, and it was pure heaven. There's no other way to describe it.

Being so close to a release, it takes minutes before I come onto my hand and watch as it washes away, with any remaining scent of her on me. Punching the wall of the shower in frustration, I leave a major crack in the tile the moment the high of my orgasm disappears.

God dammit, I cannot do this.

I am thirty-nine fucking years old. Seventeen years older than her. I cannot do this to her, me, or Momma. I just can’t. She may be a lone wolf but better her be a lone wolf than with a killer with no shot at redemption and surrounded by a bunch of other questionable characters.

After drying off and wrapping a towel around my waist, I go back to the kitchen for my coffee and phone. It's already eight a.m. and I have missed three calls. One from Momma Jo, one from Kage, and even from my asshole brother Callum. Running my hand down my face to smooth out my beard, I click on one of the missed calls. Momma Jo answers on the first ring.

“Damien, where the fuck have you been? You are thirty minutes late for your check-in and that is fucking unacceptable! We weren’t sure if something awful had happened to you.”

“I'm sorry, Momma. I was just showering quickly and got lost in my thoughts. It was a long night and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep yet,” I say in one breath. I don't know why the fuck I am acting like a child about to be disciplined.

“I don’t give two shits about what the fuck you were doing. You know the rules and it's not like you to break them and fail to check in on time. What happened last night? All four of your brothers are here with me right now. I’ll put you on speaker so you don’t have to make multiple calls.”

I wait for her to give me the go-ahead to begin.

“Okay, you’re good to go. Start.” She spits out.

My God, this woman is fucking pissed at me. It's only thirty minutes. It's not like my entire world got turned upside down last night or anything.

Thankfully, she can’t see me roll my eyes at her through the phone. I start from the moment I laid eyes onherin the bar, ending when I got back to the apartment. Leaving out one small detail. One small detail that I did not want my brothers to know unless something came of it.
