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“He can’t. He’s on a cruise with his wife.”

“Great. Well, call Jess. What’s another call-out fee on top of everything else we already owe?”

Ellie bit her lip. “Are things that bad?”

Sometimes he hated having to tell the truth. “It’s not as bad as it could be.” Like, they weren’t in such financial straits that they needed to sell the ranch. But if things didn’t improve soon, that option yawned endlessly ahead of him. After spending years convincing his super-successful brothers that he was happy being the one stuck holding the reins of the ranch, so to speak, there was no way he was ever going to admit defeat. He had to make this work. And a big part of his vision for the future had been seeing Brutus fulfil his duty and become the stud for cows around here. But if the poor animal couldn’t do the deed, then …

He drew out his phone and moved outside to where phone reception worked better. There were dead pockets of phone coverage around here that not even the Darcy’s millions had been able to improve.

After tapping some numbers, he got Martin’s veterinary services. Their message bank, anyway. “Hey Jess, it’s Jackson Reilly. I’m afraid it’s Brutus again. Can you please swing by as soon as you can? Thanks.”

He rubbed his forehead.God, I really need Your help. I don’t see a way out of this mess. And I know You care more about people than animals, but could you please heal poor Brutus, too?


There was something beautiful and so relaxing about looking out over gently hilled farmland, as the roadside trees flashed past. Lexi’s anticipation grew. She’d never spent much time on farms. She’d always been a city or at least a town girl, so her knowledge of animals and plants was limited to the thoroughly domesticated types. But here, looking out weathered hills of green undulating to blues and purples, it felt like she was in a painting. A place of peace, as far removed as possible from the emergency room of her nightmares.

She glanced across to where Jackson was driving, her insides knotting at her foolishness. How could she have assumed he and Ellie were anything but brother and sister? It seemed obvious now, but perhaps it had originated from a degree of defensiveness that led her to mistrust any handsome man. Something that had only happened when she realized how deadly some handsome men could be.

Jackson glanced across and smiled, but his smile didn’t seem to hold the same light as it had earlier this week. At church this morning Ellie had mentioned something about Jackson being worried about a bull. Lexi had offered to stay home, but Ellie wouldn’t hear of it.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all week. And we made a ton of food. And my mom is expecting you, so please don’t let our troubles stop you from coming.”


She recognized trouble in the pleat in Jackson’s brow. The man was worried, and she found herself praying for peace.

He shifted in his seat and glanced at her again. “I hope you’re a fan of potato salad.”

“I love it,” she said.

“Like hot dogs too?”

“Not as much.” The brief unit she’d studied as part of the nutrition component of her nursing degree meant that she’d become less a fan of such highly processed foods. Not that she would admit to that.

“Just as well Jackson is cooking ribs today,” Ellie said from behind.

“You cook?” she asked him.

“You don’t?” he countered.

“I like to eat, so yes.”

“Me too,” he said, eyes fixed on the road.

“I just thought all ranches had cooks and staff who do that.”

“Meet the cook.” Ellie waved from the back seat.

“Not your mother?”

She noticed how Jackson exchanged a glance with Ellie in the rear vision mirror. “Mom isn’t up to doing much these days.”

“I’m sorry,” Lexi murmured, wondering if she should press for more details. “Is she unwell?”

The silence greeting her question gave enough answer. As did the way Jackson’s shoulders lifted slightly as he tensed. “Her health has declined quite a lot in recent years,” he finally said.

“It’s partly why I help out as much as I do,” Ellie said. “Otherwise it’d be poor Jackson struggling all alone.”
