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“I have never seen you act like that before.”

“You mean superhero tough?” Jackson asked, flexing an arm.

“Stop it. You’re embarrassing yourself. People are still watching.” She peered over her shoulder. “She’s still watching.”

He was sorely tempted to look back, too. Oh, hang it. He pivoted, and the redhead’s gaze instantly shifted away. A chuckle rumbled through his chest as they crossed the street. Two more doors, then goodbye hunger, hello heaven.

“Wow,” Ellie said again. “Well, this’ll be an interesting summer.”

“What d’you mean?” He pushed the door open, holding it for Ellie as she passed through to the small foyer where guests sometimes had to wait. But the fact they were here early meant they could take their pick of booths.

“How long is she here for?” Ellie asked, choosing a booth by the front window and settling on the other side.


“Your Miss Fancy Pants.”

Amusement lit again at the memory of the dirty knees. “She’s a funny one, right?”

Her eyes rounded. “You like her.”

“Come on. I don’t even know her.”

“You could,” his sister said. “You should. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you act that way around a girl.”

“What way?” He nodded to the server as they were handed menus and told about the specials of the day. It didn’t matter what the laminated card said. He always ordered the same thing, the tradition as sure as Sundays in church. “Trinity burger with the works, thanks.”

“Sure thing, Jackson.” Marlene Holden didn’t even bother writing it down. “And the usual?”

“What would Sunday be without my chocolate shake?” He grinned.

“Such a child,” his sister muttered.

“You know it.” His smile widened as she ordered. His gaze traveled out the window. Sure enough, some of the other younger folk from church were making their way to the diner. This, his one brief chance to relax and connect with others away from the ranch, was a time he always savored. In two hours he’d be back checking fences, dealing with cattle, dealing with Mom. Considering how hard he worked, nobody could blame him for the chance to burn off some steam and play hooky.

“So …” Ellie said, drawing his attention again. “Before the others get here, are you going to give me a straight answer?”

“A straight answer about what?”

She rolled her eyes, and he lifted a hand motioning for Jasper Cohen, Josh Ladan and Brandon Taylor to join them.

“A straight answer about why you were flirting,” she hissed.


She nodded, her lips lifting as his friends drew close. “Jackson Reilly, gettin’ his flirt on.”

“Eloise.” He drew the word out with subtle warning.

Laughter rippled as Jasper slid in next to Ellie, giving her a grin before his attention turned to Jackson. “Did I hear right? Jackson was flirting? This I have to see.”

“You could’ve, if you’d been in church today.” Ellie’s brows rose.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Jasper protested. “We had to take Bess to the vet.”

“Uh huh.”

“Come on now, Ellie. It took ages for Doc Martin to set her right.”
