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He stole another glance at Lexi, then found her mother studying him again too.

He managed a weak smile as he played with the cake crumbs on his plate. Maybe Mrs. Franklin felt the same sense of protectiveness for her daughter as he felt for Ellie. Which was completely understandable, given Lexi had undergone such trauma. He couldn’t blame her mom for wanting Lexi to have options, to have the best. Which he clearly wasn’t.

The conversation moved on as Mr. Franklin talked about the upcoming influx of summer students, and the work that still needed to be done, including fixing the driveway. Was Mr. Franklin’s comment a hint that Jackson having taken Lexi away had deprived them of extra hands? Lexi had proved herself capable at the ranch, but Jackson didn’t figure she’d be up for fixing roads.

“I could maybe grade that road for you,” he said to Mr. Franklin.

Lexi’s dad studied him, as if he recognized Jackson’s offer as the pathetic plea to accept Jackson that it was. Getting in the good books, however he could. “I wouldn’t want to take you away from your duties now, son.”

“I’d be happy to help,” he said, with less certainty.

Lexi glanced at him now, as if recognizing his withering resolve, and she sent him a quick smile that put fresh air in his hopes.

“Peter, you’ve been complaining about that road for months, so let the young man help you.” Mrs. Franklin sent him a warm smile much like her daughter’s. “Honestly. What is it about men that means they’re never able to accept help?”

“I don’t know,” Lexi said, her gaze not leaving Jackson. “Is it that they don’t like to appear weak?”

“You don’t think Jackson is weak, do you Lexi?” Ellie said, with a wink for him.

His ears burned, and Lexi’s face pinked.

Jasper reached across and slapped him on the back. “Strongest man in the wrestling team, three years running.”

“Last decade,” Jackson muttered.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen our other teammates lately, but it’s safe to assume you’re still the strongest,” Jasper said dryly.

“You did wrestling?” Lexi studied him with an expression of fascination.

“Just at school.” It had been a way to prove he fit in, and a much cheaper and easier sport for his mom to manage than the hockey Mitchell had always insisted on. And look how well that worked out for him. Jackson’s debts and failures meant he’d never fit in.

He played with the edge of his plate, rubbing his finger back and forth along the silver rim. Maybe that’s how life worked. Maybe nice guys really did come last. He’d put others first and look where that got him. Busting his guts for years, and for what? A broken ranch and broken dreams. He blinked hard against the self-pity, and with effort forced himself to meet his hosts’ gazes.

His hosts, who lived here in this fancy building with their much-loved daughter, who only deserved the best. He forced an edge of his mouth up, hoping it counted as a smile, and hid the despair gnawing within.

“Jackson, tell me about the ranch,” Peter Franklin said. “What do you actually do there? I have to confess I’ve always been more of a town man, so I’m not familiar with what goes on.”

Somehow Jackson relaxed enough to share about his hopes and goals. He confessed Brutus’s failure as a stud, and how this had put a hole in their plans. He glanced apologetically at Ellie, whose smile of sympathy made him feel a little better.

“I’ve been praying for him,” Lexi said.

“Who?” her mother asked.

“Brutus,” Lexi said, gazing at him.

His heart softened, then softened some more as Ellie said, “I have too.”

“It appears we’ll all have to pray for Brutus,” Peter Franklin said.

“Indeed,” Mrs. Franklin said, her expression one of sympathy.

He swallowed a lump, managing to rasp out, “Appreciate it.” The conversation moved to Ellie’s invitation for Lexi’s parents to come visit the ranch, and he was grateful for the change in subject.

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin glanced at each other, then at him, then at Ellie. “Lexi said we should,” Mrs. Franklin said. “She says it’s beautiful.”

“You said that?” he blurted.

“Of course. Because itisbeautiful. And so peaceful. I love it there.”
