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Her chest fluttered. Surely he didn’t mean that?

She grew vaguely aware of clapping and whistles, and comments—from whom, she couldn’t discern, focused as she was on the man who held her in his arms. He was smiling, his smile tearing all embarrassment away. He softly sang along, his eyes intent on her, and she was helpless to do anything but follow along.

Breath suspended as she sank deeper into his hold, his lips mouthing the chorus again.

The singing cut away and he pulled her close, and she closed her eyes as he swayed with her for a few precious more moments. Was this something of an answer to prayer?Lord?

As if in answer, Jackson’s clasp tightened on hers, and the banjo started again. She grew aware they had an audience, and pasted a smile over her flustered feelings as Jackson spun her around one more time to the final chorus filtering through the phone.

Then he paused, chest heaving as he clasped her in a move similar to their classic hold from before, except this time it held intention, as his face was close to hers, a breath away from kissing her.

“Whew.” Cooper said. “It’s getting warm in here.”

Jackson’s mouth ticked up a fraction more on one side, then he pulled her upright.

Lexi fanned herself. “I think I need a cool drink. It’s been a long time since I’ve danced.”

Ellie wore a smug expression, as did Jasper. Even Mrs. Reilly seemed to have enjoyed the show.

“How about if I go see if those desserts are ready?” Mrs. Reilly’s words led to a general exodus from the barn, apart from Jackson who continued studying Lexi as if she was a treasure map to a gold mine.

“What is it?” she asked softly.

He opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Cooper’s voice sang from the door, “You two coming?”

“I guess that’s our cue,” Jackson said.

That was all? She nodded, disappointment crowding her chest as she followed him from the barn.

* * *

The night skygleamed with a diamond spray of stars. They’d finished dessert, and Jasper had gone home while Lexi was settling his mom into bed. Mr. Franklin—Peter—and Lynette planned to leave soon too, having had a quick look at the stars through Coop’s newly found telescope.

“The sky is so beautiful,” Peter said.

“We might not be officially classified as Big Sky country, but I like to think the view here is as good as anything you’ll see in Montana.”

“Being perched up higher on a hill you really get great vistas.”

“Yeah.” Earlier he’d pointed out where the Darcy solar farm bordered their fence line. “When Liam Darcy wanted to build his solar farm, I asked that they build it to project their lights downward so we can enjoy the night sky. They did, but then, he’s a good neighbor.”

“It’s important to love your neighbors,” Ellie had said, her waggling eyebrows letting him know exactly which neighbor he should be focused on. The one he’d been singing to as Keith Urban sang all that was in Jackson’s heart. The one who was again helping his mom, and who had withdrawn into shyness since their impromptu dance an hour or so ago.

“True,” Peter said. “I wonder if you could offer night sky viewing as one of your attractions when you open up for accommodation.”

“That would be wonderful. Supper under the stars, like we’re doing now,” Lynette Franklin said.

“Supper under the stars, I like it. Sounds romantic.” Ellie had glanced at Jackson. “What do you think? Do you know enough about stars to sound like you know what you’re talking about?”

“It’s not hard,” Coop said, like he thought his big brother was dumb.

And maybe he was the dumbest cowboy in the world, taking advice from greenhorns. But the fact they all—except maybe Coop—seemed to believe this venture could work made him believe it too, had led him to work out a business plan with Jasper earlier in the day. He’d get the math-minded Cooper to look over the plan before he submitted it to the bank later this week. Hope lit his heart, daring him to believe that all kinds of things might have a chance at working out.


“Oh, uh, yeah. Sure.”

“Mmm. Real convincing,” Ellie said. “But we might be able to pull it off, if there’s anyone here who knows what they’re talking about.” She toed Coop’s fancy Italian leather boot, which had obviously never seen a hard day’s work.
