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“Well, I—” I started, but Chef cut me off.

“I know you mentioned lobster, but I’m not certain I can get enough good-sized lobsters in time for the party. Summer is peak season for lobster demand and even though we’re a surf and turf restaurant, lobster prices are through the roof this year.”

I chewed on my bottom lip as I considered everything he’d said. “Those are good options. What if… would it be possible to do the shrimp in the bacon sauce?”

“A bacon Parmesan sauce could really go far with shrimp. How does that sound? With a garlic mashed potato and grilled asparagus on the side. Asparagus is a little out of season at this point, but I have a grower with a greenhouse full.”

My stomach grumbled at the thought of it, my mouth watering as I imagined sitting down to the sumptuous dinner menu he was describing. “Yeah, that sounds amazing.”

“It will be, trust me.” He chuckled a little. “I’m glad you called, Mr. Newton. Sometimes I forget how much fun planning a menu can be.”

It was my turn to laugh a little. “Oh, not Mr. Newton, please. You can call me Cam.” My cheeks warmed a little and I wasn’t sure why. It was probably the idea of being called Mr. Newton that had me blushing at this stranger over the phone. Nobody but my dad was Mr. Newton. “And I’m glad I called, too. I appreciate your patience with me. I know it must be hard to deal with such a diva.”

Before he could respond, there was a commotion on the line and another person began speaking in the background. Chef Oliver cleared his throat. “Well, Cam, you’re welcome. I like to offer a personal experience to my customers when it’s possible. In any case, I need to get going. I’ve got a kitchen to run. We’ll see you Saturday night at eight thirty.”

“Thanks, Chef Ridley.”

“No problem.” With that, the line disconnected.

I sat on the edge of the sofa for a minute, staring at my phone. We were leaving for Vegas in two days and everything felt perfect. Before I had a chance to do anything else, even get into my home office and turn the computer back to “available,” my phone rang. I glanced at the display, which flashed Parker’s name and number.

“Hey there,” I said as a greeting.

“Is everything ready?”

I sighed. “You know I’m not going to drop the ball on this.”

“I know you keep saying that."

With everything I had, I suppressed a growl of annoyance. “I’ve got this. I just got off the phone with the Chef, for God’s sake. I finalized the time, the guest list, and the menu in under an hour.”

Parker let out a low whistle. “Good. I’m glad things are finally getting solidified.”

The guys didn’t trust me to plan the bachelor party, which was obvious by the way they all kept pestering me with questions and suggestions. “Look, just because you think I’m a flake—”

“I wouldn’t call you a flake. Carefree. You’re relaxed. Go-with-the-flow. You’re adaptable. You don’t mind letting things happen and just changing your plans.”

“Fuck off. All I’m saying is I won’t disappoint Theo. I wouldn’t do that. I want everything to be perfect for his bachelor party. You were all surprised that Theo asked me to plan it and not you, and frankly, jealousy isn’t a good look on you.”

Parker’s tone softened. “You’re right. I am jealous that he asked you to plan it. And, yes, surprised. I’m sorry I’m being an asshole.”

I sighed again. “It’s fine. I get it. I’d be surprised, too. But I promise I’m not going to let Theo down.”

“Good. I mean, I’m glad everything’s going smoothly. I mean it. I’m sure Theo would be happy with whatever we did. He’s more excited to be marrying Nate than anything else.”

“You’re not wrong about that,” I said with a laugh. “I think we were all a little surprised they decided to wait and have a more traditional wedding ceremony, huh?”

Parker laughed, too. “Definitely. I figured the minute those engagement rings were on, Theo was going to drag Nate down to the courthouse to lock him down.”

“Oh man, I’m so excited. It’s going to be perfect.” I let out a long, happy sigh, imagining Theo and Nate in their coordinating tuxes with their attendants by their side, exchanging rings and vows and swearing their love in front of everyone. “I can’t wait until it’s my turn.”

“What, and never be able to fuck anyone else ever again? Gross.”

“Your time will come, just you wait.”

Parker gagged and I could imagine him shuddering and rolling his eyes.

“Park, you’re almost thirty. Don’t you want to get married someday? Settle down? Quit sticking your dick in everyone that looks your way?”
