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I shook my head. “Don’t you dare argue with me. I’m excited to get you something better than a gum-ball machine toy for an engagement ring. For our wedding, though, I was thinking…” I leaned in close, my mouth against the shell of his ear, and whispered. “How about matching cock rings?”

When I pulled back, Travis’s cheeks were crimson, the blush covering his face and even the tips of his ears. Before he could respond, a sales guy came up to us.

“Gentlemen, how can I help you?”

“We’re looking for an engagement ring. For this guy.” I hooked my thumb at Travis, who was still blushing.

“Of course. I’m Zachary, and I’m happy to help you with that.” He led us to a case that was filled with masculine bands in a variety of sizes and styles.

Inside the case were dozens of wide bands, some plain, some with diamonds or other stones set in the metal. Travis frowned and bit his bottom lip before tapping on the glass. “That one. Can I see that one?”

Zachary nodded and pulled a ring out of the case, placing it on a cushioned pad in front of us. “What do you think?”

Carefully, Travis picked up the ring, turning it in all directions to examine it. His eyes lit up, and he smiled as the light caught the round, blue stones and sparkled. “I like it.” He looked to me and I nodded, happy he’d found something that seemed to be more his style.

“Try it on,” I murmured.

He pulled off the ring I’d given him from the gum-ball machine and handed it to me before sliding the new ring onto his finger. “It fits.” His shy smile lit up my heart.

“So, this is the one?”

Travis nodded. “I think so.” He paused for a beat. “What about you?”

I furrowed my brow. “Me?”

“You need a ring, too.”

I let the idea roll around for a second before nodding. “I guess I do.” I peered into the case and spotted a ring similar to Travis’s, with a single rectangular sapphire set into silver. “How about that one?”

“It matches,” he said. “I like it.”

Zachary passed me the ring, and I tried it on. It fit like it was made for me and my stomach fluttered as I looked down at our hands, each wearing a ring.This wedding is really going to happen. The gravity of the situation was setting in and I found myself filled with excitement rather than dreading the idea of settling down.

A little while later, we were strolling out of the jewelry store, each wearing our new engagement rings, having made Zachary a very happy salesperson. I walked Travis to his old, beaten-up pickup truck.

Before letting him climb into the truck, I leaned in and kissed him. It was a slow, deep kiss, our mouths moving together, our tongues caressing. I wanted to speed things up, wanted to devour him, but I told myself we had plenty of time for it. Somehow, it felt different with Travis. Less urgent. I liked the feeling of taking our time. Instead, I pulled him close by the waist and relished his body heat while we kissed.

When we parted, we were both a little out of breath. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? I’ll pick you up around ten?”

I nodded. “That sounds great. I’ll see you then.” I couldn’t resist stealing one last kiss before releasing him. I watched as he climbed into his truck and drove away before sliding into my car. I rubbed the heel of my palm over my groin, my cock aching for attention, and headed home.

Chapter Ten


IpickedupParkerthe next morning right on time and we made our way into the mountains to visit the venue Mel, our wedding planner, had suggested. It was pretty far—about three hours—and we made it there early in the afternoon. Meadowlands, the farm our wedding planner was convinced would bethevenue, was well into the Blue Ridge mountains, far southwest of Port Grandlin and nowhere near a big city. We drove through the town of Mountainview and beyond, until we made it to a bumpy back road with a sign pointing into the woods that displayed the name of the farm.

“You sure about this?” Parker asked.

“This is where Mel said. I’m sure of it.” I turned the truck down the road and we bumped and rattled along until the woods cleared and we were faced with acres and acres of pastureland. Horses and sheep dotted the fields and a few raised their heads in mild interest as we drove by.

We crested another hill and the grounds came into view—a white, two-story farmhouse and a massive red barn beyond it. Across the driveway from the huge barn was another barn, smaller but otherwise identical to the big one.

Parker let out a low whistle. “This place is incredible.”

I nodded. “I think we’re a little out of our element here.”

“You can say that again.”
