Page 48 of Simply Irresistible

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"I hope the cake looks better than you," she says while running her hands through her long, loose, ginger hair.

I remind myself to stay professional. "Good morning, Miss Calter."

"Emma, wasn't it?" she asks. Her lips turn into a fake smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

She's trying to provoke me, so I respond, collected. "Yes, but you knew my name, Cindy."

She presses her full lips together, and as she crosses her arms, she turns her attention to her employee. "Clara, why are you standing there? I’m paying you to clean.”

The woman hurries away.

"Follow me," Cindy snarls as she strides away.

Turning the corner, I'm walking through a white hallway decorated with pictures of Cindy. If I spotted one of these pictures in a magazine or a store, I would admire her for her stunning physique, but knowing she doesn't have a personality to match, they're less alluring.Cindy opens the door on her right and walks in, and I follow. The room is a lounge with light-colored wall and more portraits of her. Damn, she's got a colossal ego. I slow my pace at the sight of five other women sitting around a square, sparkling white coffee table. Two are relaxing on a leather couch, and the other three are sitting on chairs while a sparkling black chandelier hangs above them.

Cindy stops and points. "Put it there."

I walk past her, and I swallow as six pairs of eyes follow my every move when I remove the top of the cake box after placing it in the middle of the white table.

"Oh, wow, that is a gorgeous cake." I check out the woman who's standing and feasting her eyes on the sweet creation. She has blonde hair, and her smile meets her sparkling blue eyes.

"Thank you," I answer.

"Ellen!" Cindy says in a reprimanding tone. The woman sits back and glances away. The ginger head steps beside me and stares at her order. "So you're in the fat making business," she says while glaring at my work of art. A few women chuckle, while others gasp at her words.

I shoot my head to her. "What?"

"Your cakes are full of sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. You'll inflate eating it."

"No, I'm in a business that makes people happy," I return. "I make cakes for special occasions when people have something to celebrate." My blood pressure rises when she gives me a sarcastic smirk, and I can't hold my deeper feelings in. "Sugar and carbohydrates help produce endorphins; they give you the 'I feel happy' sensation. You should try a bite. Maybe, it will help you produce a sincere smile instead of those fake ones."

A shiver runs down my spine when I see Cindy's eyes. They're emotionless."Girls, this is Emma. She is Nick's newest toy,” she says, while spinning to face the other women.

I blink at her harsh words and cross my arms in front of my chest. "If you didn't want a cake, why did you order one?" I ask, trying to bring the focus to something else.

"I wanted you here to meet the girls. Because you need a reality check on your so-called relationship with Nick."

"My relationship with Nick is none of your business.” I clench my teeth.

"Oh, that's where you're wrong! Nick is my business because he will come back to me."

"Oh, and there you're deluded. Nick loved you. But he doesn't anymore."

Cindy's face turns red from the collar of her black dress to her roots, and the next stream of words is as toxic as poison. "You think he loves you? You are nothing more than a temporary substitute for him. He will lose his interest before you know it. See these girls?"

I study the women at the table. Four of them have the same fake smile as Cindy. Only the one that complimented my creation has a pained expression on her face.

"These are a few ladies that shared the bed with Nick after he broke up with me," she says with a gleam in her eyes.

My heartbeat increases as my eyes wander over them. They're all stunning, and the thought of him making love to them the way he did to me makes me sick. But can I blame him for things that happened in his past? No!

I turn to Cindy, who radiates superiority with her shoulders back and thrust-out chest. ”I don't care who he slept with. It's in his past and long before me."

“You're wrong, again," she interrupts while turning her head to the brunette. "Meghan, when was the last time you shared a bed with Nick?"

“Four weeks ago," she answers with a clear voice. My pulse matches my raging thoughts.

"So, Emma," Cindy says with a satisfied smirk on her lips. "It will only be a matter of time before he dumps you, and can you blame him? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror this morning?" She points towards my outfit. "Your clothing choice, and the way you present yourself is appalling."
