Page 67 of Simply Irresistible

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I take another deep breath.

I can do this. I lean forward and place my forehead against his shoulder. His harmonious heartbeat trespasses his skin and vibrates within me. God, his presence is more calming than drinking any herbal tea.

"I want to tell you what caused my panic attack at the diner."

"Are you comfortable enough to share? I can wait if you're not ready."

His considered question convinces me; it's time to share the details of one of the most painful moments of my life. I sit back up with my back straight, but keep my eyes on his chest.

"I told you during our first dinner that my parents hate me for the fact I got pregnant." My fingers grip at his shirt.

"Yes, you told me that. What happened, Angel?"

"I've never been close with my parents. There has always been a distance between us when I grew up. My father is a dominant man who expects everyone to be obedient, which I wasn’t. So when I told my parents I was pregnant and that the father left, they were in shock. When I explained I wanted to keep the baby, my father became furious. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't budge. He said I would waste and ruin my life if I kept the baby. He didn't want anyone to find out his daughter was pregnant and abandoned by the father. I asked my mom to help me, but she was clear and said, If you want to keep this baby, raise it yourself. We won’t help you.”

Nick curses under his breath. My eyes fill with emotion as every word my parents said and the pain it caused rushes through me.

"My father gave me a choice—end the pregnancy, or get out of his house. So I made my choice. I went upstairs to my bedroom and packed a bag. Before I left the house, my father clarified his opinion of me. He told me I was a disgrace to the Campbell family. No man would ever love my bastard child and me. That's when I ran out."

Nick's fingers press in my back as he holds his breath for a moment, but I keep talking.

"A week later, my mother contacted me, asking me to meet her at the hospital because she was sick. Still concerned because she's my mother, I went. When I arrived at the hospital and found her, she was crying. She told me my father blamed her for my behavior. When I asked her if she wanted me to talk to him, she shook her head and told me that she made an appointment for an abortion. She rambled on about how it was better and how she believed my father would forgive me for what she called my unacceptable behavior. I told her I was keeping my baby. That's when she changed and slapped me.”

Tears stain Nick's shirt, and he pulls me tighter into his chest as I let out the imprisoned pain from my soul with deep sobs. All this time, Nick cradles me, whispering, "It's okay. Let it out, Angel. I'm here."

We stay in this tight embrace until my tears are controllable, and I continue, "A nurse who saw everything called security, and they escorted my mom out of the hospital. That was when I had my first panic attack. After that, it happened a few times; I had nightmares about it. It's been over three years since I last had one."

"So my question to meet my parents caught you off guard and launched you back into this awful memory.I'm sorry… he mutters, cupping my face. You don't have to meet my parents if you're not up for it, sweetheart."

I gaze up to meet Nick's stormy eyes. "What if your parents don't like me, Nick? What if they disagree with you dating a woman that has a child with another man? If that happens, you will leave me, which I’d understand… They are your parents, and I will never make you choose between your family and me."

Nick pulls back and wipes the tears from my cheeks with his thumb as another set of sobs leaves my lips.


He bends his head, and his lips brush against mine. It's soft as a feather, and I close my eyes to enjoy it.

"I can't believe they treated you like they did, Angel. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wish I'd been there for you. But let me tell you one thing. Your father is dead wrong."

I open my eyes and meet his.

"Not only are you an incredible woman, but also an amazing mom. You're strong, sweet, talented, and kind. It may be hard to believe, but my parents are the opposite of yours. I told them about you and Charlotte, and they don't have a problem with that."

I lift my brows. "You told them?"

"Yes. Now, let me tell you one of my secrets." He playfully taps the tip of my nose. "I was afraid of asking you out after I met you and Charlotte at the auction."

"You, afraid? Why?"

"Afraid of hurting or messing up Charlotte if I started dating you and things didn’t work out well for us."

I lift my brows.

He cups my face in his large, warm hands. “You don't have to be afraid of me leaving you. Because you, Emma Campbell, make me happy. My feelings for you grow and intensify every second I spend with you and Charlotte. I love every aspect of you. From the way you blush when I give you a compliment to you throwing eggs at me when you're angry."

He catches another of my teardrops with his thumb.

"You, Emma, are what I want. You are the woman I've been waiting for all my life. You and Charlotte are on my mind day and night. This, you here in my arms, is what I long for everyday. And I promise I won't let anyone or anything tear us apart, because I'm in love with you."
