Page 11 of Beyond Friendship

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Amanda looks between my Red Russian and the guy holding out his hand.

Don’t do it, I silently beg. But it doesn’t work. I watch her push the drink away and hop off the barstool to take his hand. It feels like I just received a punch in the stomach. As he leads her to the dance floor, I pick up the drink I made for her and take a big gulp.

“I can’t stand him,” Darius states while wiping a glass.

I glare over my drink at them. “Me neither. What the hell does she see in him? He’s nothing more than a condescending jerk who thinks he knows it all because he’s a doctor. He has the gall to tell a woman like Amanda that she shouldn’t drink alcohol due to skin aging or some other stupid shit.”

Darius gazes at me silently before leaving to help other guests.

A slow melody starts up, and my stomach knots as I observe Steven move his palms down to her hips.He’s her date. He has the right,I remind myself.My hand hovers over a fine bottle of whiskey, but before I can pour my glass, the smooth timbre of a voice murmurs from behind me.

“Ah, there you are.”

I turn, and Cole’s crooked smile greets me. “Go to my wife,” he commands. “She wants you to dance with her.”

The edges of my lips pull against one another in amusement as I give him a questioning look. He has earned himself quite a fitting nickname from his delicate bride for his height of six-foot-five, broad shoulders and biceps that seem to have lives of their own.

“Can’t the ‘Mighty Bulldozer’ please his wife tonight?” I jest.

Cole chuckles softly and the twinkle in his eye is unmistakable—a tell-tale sign of how much this feisty woman has changed him since they’ve been together. Prior to Alisha, he repelled all forms of love and was content to live in solitude. In some strange way, we are similar; creatures cloaked in darkness, but Cole has something I’ll never have—the opportunity to take off his shield and have love.

“Oh, shut up, Fox. She is determined to get dances out of all the men here.”

“In that case, it may as well be me. I’ll show her how it’s done.”

Cole’s booming laughter follows me as I make my way over to Alisha.

“What did you tell my husband?” the radiant bride inquires.

I grin. “That he looks like an Irish tap dancer even when he’s not moving.”

Alisha giggles and sends an air kiss over to her partner.

“Come on, lovely.” I offer her my hand.

She takes it and I spin her around, causing her to raise an eyebrow. “You can dance?”

I laugh at her shocked expression before guiding her around the room.

“Yep, my hidden talent. My mom enrolled me in ballroom classes when I was thirteen. She said girls like a man who can dance. And she was correct.”

After a few upbeat songs, I can’t help but say, “Cole is right about Steven. He’s a dickless rooster. What does Amanda see in the twat?”

Alisha inspects me. “Maybe that he’s a kind and successful doctor who’s interested in her. You should be happy for her.”

I let out a huff. “How can you say that? It’s clear he’s not right for her.”

Alisha peers at me and I continue, “She doesn’t need a man who criticizes her every decision.”

“Wow, them dating sure bothers you.”

I shrug and spin her around. “Of course, and it should bother you too. She’s our friend. Don’t we protect our friends from pain and bad choices?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think that’s your true motive,” she states with an unwavering voice.

I grit my teeth and press my lips together, trying my best to stay composed. “What do you mean?”

Alisha shakes her head and takes a step closer. “Brian, you really are an ostrich. Admit it, you’ve got feelings for Amanda that go beyond friendship.”
