Page 115 of Beyond Friendship

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“Good Lord, Cocksy Foxy is back,” a familiar female voice says.

The three of us look up to see Alisha walk into the room.

Cole’s face lights up and he gets up. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

“We need more diapers. Little Fox is full of shit, just like his daddy,” she says with a giant smirk.

Nick and Cole burst out in laughter.

“Damn! I see Bulldozer still didn’t tame that mouth of yours,” I say with a grin.

Alisha brushes her hand seductively over his chest when he stops next to her.

“He loves my mouth because he found out it can do things he otherwise only experienced in his dirty dreams,” she says with a wink.

I chuckle. “Well, clearly you never talked to my Brownie, because she—”

“Don’t you finish that sentence. You’re forgetting you’re talking about my little sister.”

Alisha giggles. “Oh, don’t be such a baby, Nick. From what Emma told us, you’re quite the experimental man with whipped cream.”

Nick wiggles his eyebrows and grins. “Jealous?”

“You wish. You two got nothing on my man.” She touches Cole’s chest. “He’s one massive sexy bulk of muscles who can play the piano.”

If compliments could make you grow instantly, our bulky friend wouldn’t fit through the door. He bends his head, and when he whispers something in her ear, she licks her lips.

“Okay, you two. Keep the hanky-panky until after Amanda and I are married. Speaking of her, how is my soon-to-be wife doing?”

Alisha beams. “She is stunning and excited. And Martha and John are having a blast with their grandchildren at the house. Didn’t you see the photo Martha sent you?”

I groan. “My phone. It’s still in the bedroom.” I dash up the stairs and there it is, lying on the bed where I had left it after saying good morning to my love.

I pick it up and see two missed calls and a text. I open the message first, and a photo of my son sitting with Liam and Charlotte on the couch pops up. Adorable! I save it to my Chase album, which is already bursting at the seams with hundreds of pictures.

Then, as I walk downstairs, I listen to the voicemail and fear takes over, replacing the confidence that had been coursing through me moments before.

“Brian? What’s wrong?” Cole questions as my two friends rush toward me. Nick places a hand on my shoulder. “Why is your skin pale? Is it your heart? Do we need to call an ambulance?” he asks anxiously.

I shake my head, replying in a quiet voice, “The result is in.”

Cole frowns, asking with confusion, “Result?”

Alisha interjects, understanding immediately what I meant as she stops next to her husband. “Oh my God, he means the results of the genetic test. So what did he say?”

My legs turn to jelly as I sit down on the stairs and lack of breath sets in. When someone says you have to call them ASAP, it’s rarely good news. My chest tightens as I struggle to find enough air.

“Hey, buddy, take it easy. Just keep breathing in and out.”

Suddenly, Brownie’s comforting voice envelops us.

“I’m okay, but Brian needs you.”

I glance up at Alisha and she offers me her phone.

“Speak to her.”

“Brian, what’s wrong?” she asks in a distressed tone.
