Page 16 of Beyond Friendship

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I turn and lean against the counter. “I’m fine. The preparation for the launch of the lingerie line has me working late this past week, and—”

“That was not what I meant, Amanda,” she says, lifting her brows.

I know she is hinting at my emotional outburst that weekend. Thankfully, my phone interrupts us, and I answer. “Amanda Brown.”

A woman rambles in a high-pitched voice, and by the time she finishes, my mind is on high alert. I stroke my fingers along my jawline.

“My God, that’s terrible, Kim. But don’t worry, I’ll find another location.”

I end the call and lay the device on the kitchen surface before planting my elbows next to it and dropping my head into my palms.

Why now?

“Hey, what’s going on, honey?”

I run my hands through my hair and stare at the marble countertop. “The location where I was going to hold the launch of my lingerie line has gone up in smoke.” When the ringtone wails again, I glance at the caller ID and letting out a deep sigh before answering.

“Hello, Christal... Yes, Kim called me a minute ago.” With sweaty palms, I listen to Christal’s unsalted opinion. “Yes, I’ll arrange a new place, and it will be perfect, I promise.” I rub my temple with my free hand. “I understand. No problem. I’ll call you by the end of the week to give you an update.”

I pocket my phone and pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to think of how I can salvage this. Someone clears their throat and I open my eyes to find my mom standing before me, her face expectant.

“That was Christal, the CEO of Lingerie Deluxe, informing me that if I don’t find an alternative venue that she approves of within two weeks, she’ll postpone our partnership,” I growl, pacing back and forth. “I’ve worked so hard on this launch. Everything was perfect and now...” I flop into an armchair, racking my brain for a solution. My store has been struggling since a new clothing store opened down the street. And this exclusive lingerie deal is probably my last hope to save it. I told no one because I want to solve it myself.

My mom halts beside me and lays a hand on my back. “You’re a savvy businesswoman. You’ll figure it out, like always.”

“Who’s a savvy businesswoman?” my father asks from behind my mom, nuzzling her with his chest and planting a kiss on her cheek.

I admire my parents, who, after thirty years of marriage, are still madly in love.They are the example that true love exists.My mom explains what’s going on and when she’s finished, my dad wraps his arms around me in a comforting embrace.

“Maybe I should ask Brian?” I say, but I cringe at my suggestion. It makes sense. He’s my friend, sure. But asking him? After what happened at the wedding? I could use some serious distance from the guy who I’m trying to permanently ban to the friend zone without chemistry.

My mom stands with her hands settled on her hips. “It’s a wonderful plan, Amanda.”

I clench my teeth together and keep my doubts to myself.

“And if you pay him for leasing Six-Pack, it’s nothing more than a business transaction between friends,” my dad adds before walking over and pressing a kiss to my mom’s cheek and murmuring something in her ear that turns her cheeks pink before leaving.

One look at them, and it’s clear: That’s the kind of love I want.But will I ever find it?

Strolling to the cabinet, I open a special drawer and smile when my favorite stress relievers greet me. Reaching for the bag, I sigh as a piece of smooth, dark Lindt chocolate melts on my tongue—little bundles of heaven.

“I hope I can find what you and Dad have one day. How have you two managed to stay so in love after all these years?”

My mom comes over and places a hand on my shoulder. “Sweetheart, love isn’t something you can plan for. But you’ll know when you meet the one. The telltale signs never fail,” she says with a fond smile.

“But, Amanda, remember this,” she says, her voice soft but full of conviction. She breaks into one of her favorite love songs and sings, “Can’t hurry love.”

I groan and join in for the next few lines. When I’m done, she pulls me close for a tight hug before her gaze meets mine again.

“Love and relationships take hard work if they’re going to last. Even after all this time together, your dad and I still have our differences and quarrels now and then, but we respect and accept each other. That’s why we’re still together today.” Taking both of my hands in hers, she says tenderly, “My one piece of advice is to follow your heart with love and listen to it whenever it speaks.”

I let out a long breath and squeeze my mom’s hands. “I’ll try to remember that, but I gotta go. I have to search for a new place for the venue.”

“Ask Brian,” my mom comments as I walk to my car.

After making various calls to find another venue has failed, my Porsche skids into the Six-Pack’s parking lot. I gaze up at the white building with its grandiose gold-painted windows. The location is perfect. It’s at the edge of Boston’s center, making it easy to reach with different modes of transportation. The longer I consider this option, the more enthusiastic my professional brain gets. But the thought of asking Brian for help causes my stomach to twist.

My mother’s words reverberate in my mind: You’re a smart businesswoman. I snatch my phone and read the daily motivational quote on the screen. ‘A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it. Take what you have and use it to create what you want.’
