Page 26 of Beyond Friendship

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“What happened, Brian?”

After a long sigh, he speaks. “I was working out with the guys when my heart rhythm went berserk. Then I blacked out.”

“How is that possible?” I ask, confused.

“I’ve got a heart condition that can cause rhythm disorders.”

I study his face as I digest the words.A heart condition?

“That must have been a shock to find out,” Bella says.

When his eyes dart to the ground, an unimaginable truth dawns on me. “You knew… you had this condition?” I lean all the way to the back of the chair when he answers with a nod.He knew and never told us. Why?

“How long have you known?”

“Why does that matter?”

“Just answer me.”

He sighs. “Since I was twelve.”

Bella’s sharp inhale tells me I’m not the only one shocked. My head buzzes, but I keep asking questions. “Why haven’t you ever told us?”

He shrugs. “I didn’t want any of you to worry.”

“Jesus, Brian. That is a shit reason,” I say, rising from my chair. “Have you forgotten how Cole’s father died?”

His eyes shoot up. “Don’t you think I fucking know that?” He slides his legs over the edge of the bed, then slowly pushes himself off the mattress.

“W-what are you doing?” I ask.

He lowers his chin, meeting my wide-eyed gaze.

“I’m getting out of this damn bed to stretch my muscles.”

I reach out to help when his face contracts in pain.

“Don’t,” he growls. Like a proud but wounded lion, he strides to the window and gazes outside.

Bella places a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Go talk to him. I’m going for a walk,” she whispers, her voice oozing with sympathy. I nod while watching him in silence.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask once Bella’s gone.

“So you could look at me with pity like you’re doing now? No, thanks,” he snarls, frustration palpable in his voice.

I pause for a moment before asking the inevitable question. “What happens now?” The fear my voice conveys is enough for Brian to tense up.

“Nothing. There’s no cure for this, Amanda. That’s why this device is stuck in my chest, ready to give me an electric shock if my heartbeat rises too high or stops.”

My heart feels as though a thousand needles are being thrust into it as a heavy sense of helplessness washes over me. I can’t bear to see him hurting this way. I want him to know he’s not alone, that I’m here for him.

My mind drifts to three years back when Nick called me while on a business trip and asked,

“Hey, sis, can you check on Brian?”

I’d frowned while closing the store. “Why?”

“Cole and I called him, and he didn’t sound like himself. Like he’s sick or something. He said he’s fine, but I don’t believe him.”
