Page 4 of Beyond Friendship

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“Me too,” I admit, “but if you say yes to you and me exploring this all night long, I’ll cancel my plans.”

Before either of us can say anything else, her phone beeps in the background, interrupting our moment. She groans out in frustration. “I’m sorry, but I really have to take this call.”

I shove my hands deep into my pockets to stop them from touching her as I answer her with a simple, “Sure.”

She lifts her phone to her ear and angles away from me, her voice low and melodic as she confirms the meeting place.

“Oh, you owe me an evening of free drinks,” she says into her phone. “See you in a second,” she adds before hanging up.

My breath quickens when her attention drifts across my body. A half a head shorter than me, yet her presence commands authority.


Her brow furrows, and she shakes her head. “No, of course not. I wouldn’t have flirted with you if I had a boyfriend. Do you have a girlfriend?”

Before I can answer, someone calls out.


My heart drops as I recognize the voice, and my jaw clenches when a familiar figure comes our way. With his eyes never leaving my goddess, he strides toward her with a smile stretching across his face before throwing his arms around her and pulling her close.

“Hey, Sis. Good to have you back in Boston.”


“I missed you too,” she says, returning his hug before breaking away to look at me with an almost apologetic expression. A sinking feeling washes over me as I stare at my best friend, Nick, who has sun-kissed brown hair, sharp chocolatey eyes, and a lopsided grin that melts the hearts of many women. He meets my gaze and his brows arch up in surprise. “Fox? What were you doing with my sister?”

“You know him?” she inquires.

Nick’s face breaks into a wide grin and he strides toward me, clapping me on the shoulder.

“Amanda, meet my best friend, Brian Fox.”

Her jaw drops, accompanied by a rosy hue brushing her cheeks. “Best friend,” she mumbles, attempting to disguise her embarrassment by hanging her chin low.

Oh, fuck. You gotta be kidding me.

Tension hangs in the air as I swallow hard, trying to hide my inner turmoil.How could I not have seen she’s my best friend’s sister?

Nick’s gaze sharpens, and he glares at me. “Please tell me you haven’t been flirting with my sister? You are such a shameless womanizer,” he says as his hand slams playfully against my chest.

“Never. A moron was pestering her, so I interceded.” When Amanda’s and my eyes meet, I quickly divert my gaze back to Nick.

He grins, but as his lips stretch into a smirk, I don’t miss the warning glance in his eyes.

“Thanks for that. However, don’t even think about screwing with my little sister. She’s not one of your casual hookups.”

Nick looks at his relative. “Brian is one of my best friends,” he says, “but he’s also the biggest flirt and breaks a heart every weekend.”

Amanda swallows and bites her lip.

Nick’s oblivious to his sister’s reaction and changes the subject, asking where Cole is; I point him in the right direction.

“Let’s go, Amanda,” he tells her, already moving through the crowd. I take a step forward, ready to follow his lead, when a gentle touch on my shoulder whips me back to reality.

“Brian?” she whispers.

I freeze, taking a shallow breath as I realize what must be done.
