Page 42 of Beyond Friendship

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Olga laughs, the sound resonating around the room. “You need to start thinking more long-term and less short-term. Don’t waste time because you’ve got commitment issues. Love is too beautiful for that.”

“What can I say? I’m a lone wolf,” Brian jokes half-heartedly, attempting to lighten the mood.

The women all groan in response.

“We love you, Brian, but it’s clear when it comes to love, you’re a fool,” Olga says, her expression softening as our gazes meet.

“I am who I am,” he says before whirling around and beckoning me as he walks off. “Let’s talk business.”

Before I can follow, a hand grasps my wrist and I turn back.

“He’s a fool if he can’t see what’s right in front of him,” Olga muses, her gaze brimming with sympathy.

My cheeks burn. “Wha—”

Veronique smirks. “Oh, no use trying to deny it, young lady. We may be old, but we know love and chemistry when it’s plain as day.”

I smile at the group of wise women who have picked up on the connection between Brian and me, so I don’t try to deny it.

“Any suggestions, ladies, on how to convince him relationships aren’t as scary as he seems to think?”

The women’s faces light up with mischief as they hear my confession and ask for help.

“Patience,” Veronique says, “but don’t forget to give him a little taste of his own medicine. If the opportunity arises, show him you’re a woman who likes to have a good time, just like him.”

I chuckle. “Thanks for the wise, encouraging words, ladies. It’s been a pleasure to have met you all.”

“You’re welcome to come over and chat with us oldies,” Olga says.

I nod and make my way to Brian, who’s standing at the bar, scrolling through his phone.

“What were they saying to you?” he asks, his eyebrows forming an inquisitive arch.

“Nothing,” I reply, feeling heat fill my cheeks as I shift my gaze away from his.

“Who the hell called me a one-night stand Romeo? Alisha?”

“Nah.” I chuckle, a smirk playing on my lips. “None other than our Bella Jenkins crowned you with that honor.”

He frowns. “You know the ladies are going to grill me about my love life every Monday now.”

I can’t contain the chuckle that bubbles up from my throat at the thought of Olga and her clique, prodding him and sharing their unsolicited opinion.

“Maybe you’ll learn something from these sassy ladies?”

He steps closer, trapping me with his gaze. “Like what?”

“Oh, maybe how to conquer your fear of commitment phobia.” My voice is gentle, but my heart is pounding as I wait for his response.

“You told them you were single,” he says instead. “So it looks like Steven the rooster isn’t the right guy for you after all.”

My eyebrows knit together in surprise as he turns the conversation back around to me.

“Steven’s a nice guy,” I say. “We just decided that we’re better off as friends.”

His smirk widens as if the notion of me being single pleases him. Irritation rises within me, pushing me to confront him with one of my unanswered questions.

“So, did you and Miss Barbie have a good time last weekend?”
